Uusi ja muodikas viikko 37 - 2024 - Podcast24.fi!

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Länsi-Savon 50100-podcast aina perjantaiaamuisin Länkkärin netissä, Apple Podcasteissa ja Spotifyssä. Käsittelyssä Mikkelin seudun puheenaiheet, kämmit, onnistumiset ja menovinkit. Äänessä Ali Elkharam ja Tommi Ollikainen.

Jaksojen määrä: 4

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Talk Tuah with Haliey Welch

Coming off her unprecedented viral moment and the biggest meme of all time, Haliey Welch is ready to show the world that she's much more than a 30 second clip, and she’s here to stay. With celebrities from all walks of life across comedy, music, sports, and pop culture looking to collaborate with the social media sensation, Haliey Welch continues her rise and charity aspirations with support from some of the biggest names in the world. Each episode of TALK TUAH will feature Haliey and her celebrity counterpart, as they sit down for hilarious conversations, deep dives into stardom, and games/segments that will bring out telch's Podcast

Jaksojen määrä: 2

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Oppimisen etua

Bisnesmahdollisuudet, liiketoimintamallit ja työn tekemisen tavat muuttuvat tällä hetkellä nopeampaan kuin koskaan aikaisemmin. Organisaatioiden oppimis- ja kehittymiskyky sanelee, kuka menestyy ja kuka unohtuu. Tässä podcastissä me - Äiti ja tytär - sekä vieraamme, keskustelemme siitä, miten oppimisesta rakennetaan kilpailuetua. Kahden sukupolven silmin katsottuna isosta murroksesta piirtyy esiin se mikä pysyy ja se, mikä nyt on tärkeää uutta.

Jaksojen määrä: 1

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Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance

In this immersive fantasy series, a pair of heroes brought together by fate embark on a journey of revenge, redemption, and love. Set in the vast world of Thedas, Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance was created in collaboration with BioWare and based on their award-winning video game franchise, Dragon Age. Nadia, a retired cat burglar, finds herself back on the prowl after scoring the job of a lifetime. Unknowingly employed by the Dread Wolf, Nadia hunts down a powerful ancient artifact and both she and her lover, Elio, find themselves caught in a web of lies that threaten the entire world. When Elio is seemingly banished to the Fade - a mystical magical plane - Nadia desperately searches for answers on a rescue mission across Thedas.On her journey, Nadia finds an unlikely ally in Drayden, a bookish historian and writer with a troubled past and a mysterious connection to the Fade. Their journey to save Elio is arduous, dangerous, and at times, downright foolish. But with the help of some friends, our heroes find some of the answers they are looking for and a few they wish they hadn’t. Starring Mae Whitman, Brigette Lundy-Paine, and Armen Taylor, Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance was created in collaboration with BioWare and based on their video game franchise, Dragon Age. Since 2009, the award-winning RPG video game franchise has invited players into worlds of adventure, conflict, and companionship that inspire players to become the heroes of their own story. Rally the Veilguard and defy the gods in Dragon Age: The Veilguard™, an immersive single player RPG where you become the leader others believe in. Dragon Age: The Veilguard™ launches October 31st 2024 on Xbox, Playstation, Steam, and Epic. To learn more, visit dragonage.com. Rated M for mature.©2024 Electronic Arts Inc. Dragon Age, and BioWare trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc.

Jaksojen määrä: 4

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Följ med Josephine Qvist och Nina Glimsell när de bjuder på en ärlig och underhållande inblick i sina liv, där vardagen, kärleken och det nya kapitlet som mammor står i fokus. De delar öppenhjärtigt med sig av sina tidigare relationsproblem, ger värdefulla tips för att överleva destruktiva förhållanden och diskuterar hur man hittar tillbaka till kärleken på nytt. Som om det inte vore nog, får du också följa deras resa som drivna entreprenörer. Hör hur de balanserar mammalivet med att bygga framgångsrika företag och ta sig an nya utmaningar. Och för alla realityshow-fans: förbered dig på exklusiva "behind the scenes"-berättelser från deras tid i rampljuset! Allt detta och mycket mer i ett samtal som känns som att hänga med dina bästa vänner!Podden är redigerad av TalkEdit Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Jaksojen määrä: 2

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Piquantes, by Alexandra Guerain et Camille Farrugia

On parle de quoi aujourd'hui ? Dans Piquantes, Camille Farrugia et Alexandra Guerain discutent ensemble de ce qui fait leur vie de trentenaires aujourd'hui : ruptures, amitiés, ambitions, rencontres…Piquantes, un podcast de @holycamille et @alexandraguerain.Produit et réalisé par Benjamin Saeptem Hours / TDA Prod. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Jaksojen määrä: 1

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Gutten som ble gangster

Hvorfor begynte nabogutten Bjørn å slåss, havne i gjenger, kriminalitet, blodig MC-krig og fengsel? 40 år senere får jeg svaret. Bli med på en gladsvart roadtrip i fem deler fylt av ville hendelser, smerte, latter og seriøst utenforskap. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Jaksojen määrä: 5

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FPL Therapy

A Fantasy Premier League podcast hosted by FPL Raptor with special guests throughout the season. This podcast will guide you through the FPL season, and hopefully make you laugh along the way, because we all need a little bit of FPL Therapy.

Jaksojen määrä: 5

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Odgruzować dobrostan

Czujesz, że niektóre obszary Twojego życia są „zasypane”? Obejrzyj cykl videocastów z udziałem cenionych ekspertek – dr Joanny Gutral, dr Joanny Wojsiat i Marty Niedźwieckiej – i kawałek po kawałku odgruzuj swój dobrostan!

Jaksojen määrä: 3

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By Podcast24.fi - Published 9/13/2024

Updated 9/13/2024