國際時事跟讀 Ep.K891: 中國光棍購物節面臨經濟蕭條挑戰 China's Singles' Day Shopping Festival Faces Economic Headwinds
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The world's largest shopping extravaganza, Singles' Day, is experiencing a significant transformation as China grapples with economic challenges. Originally launched by Alibaba in 2009, this annual shopping festival, celebrated on November 11 (11.11), has traditionally been a barometer of consumer confidence in the world's second-largest economy. However, this year's event reflects a marked shift in consumer behavior and retail strategies amid China's ongoing economic slowdown and deflationary pressures, prompting both businesses and consumers to reassess their participation in this once-celebrated shopping bonanza. 全球最大的購物盛會「光棍節」,隨著中國面臨經濟挑戰而經歷重大轉變。這個最初由阿里巴巴在 2009 年推出的年度購物節,在每年 11 月 11 日舉行,一直以來都是全球第二大經濟體消費者信心的測試器。然而,今年的活動反映出消費者行為和零售策略明顯轉變,在中國持續的經濟放緩和通貨緊縮壓力下,促使企業和消費者重新評估他們對這個曾經備受歡迎的購物盛會的參與度。 The festival's changing dynamics are evident in how both merchants and consumers approach the event. While previous years saw enthusiastic participation and record-breaking sales figures, recent editions have shown more reserved spending patterns. Many shoppers, like Beijing fitness center owner Wang Haihua, have become increasingly skeptical of promotional tactics, noting that the discounts aren't as attractive as they once were. Similarly, merchants are finding it harder to justify the high costs of participating in the festival, with some reporting that advertising expenses barely break even with sales revenue. This sentiment is echoed by business owners like Zhang Jiewei, a Xi'an barber shop owner, who has significantly reduced his Singles' Day spending due to lower income and growing distrust of promotional pricing strategies. 從商家和消費者對待這項活動的方式可以看出節慶氛圍的轉變。雖然往年都有熱烈參與和破紀錄的銷售數字,但近期的活動呈現出較為保守的消費模式。許多消費者,如北京健身中心老闆王海華,對促銷策略越來越持懷疑態度,指出折扣 已不如從前吸引人。同樣地,商家們發現參與節慶活動的高額成本越來越難以回收,有些商家表示廣告支出僅能勉強達到收支平衡。西安理髮店老闆張杰偉也表達了類似看法,由於收入降低和對促銷定價策略的不信任感增加,他大幅減少了光棍節的消費支出。 In response to the sluggish domestic market, e-commerce platforms are adopting new strategies to maintain growth. Companies like Alibaba have expanded their focus to international markets, offering global free shipping and enabling merchants to sell worldwide. This pivot has shown promising results, with some 70,000 merchants reportedly doubling their sales through global shipping initiatives. Markets in Singapore and Hong Kong have seen a significant increase in new customer acquisition, demonstrating the potential of cross-border e-commerce. While platforms previously published detailed transaction values, they have become more reserved in sharing specific figures since 2022, with industry estimates suggesting modest single-digit growth compared to the double-digit increases of previous years. 為應對疲軟的國內市場,電商平台正採取新策略以維持成長。像阿里巴巴這樣的公司已將重點擴展到國際市場,提供全球免運費並讓商家能夠在全球範圍內銷售。這個轉向策略已顯現出成效,據報導約有 7 萬家商家透過全球運送方案使銷售額翻倍。新加坡和香港等市場的新客戶數量大幅增加,展現出跨境電商的潛力。雖然平台過去會公布詳細的交易額,但自 2022 年以來,分享具體數據時變得更加謹慎,產業估計顯示僅有個位數的溫和成長,相較於往年的兩位數增長有所下降。 The transformation of Singles' Day reflects broader changes in Chinese consumer behavior and economic conditions. Experts note that Beijing's recent stimulus measures have had limited success in boosting consumer confidence, with many shoppers becoming more selective in their purchases. While traditional luxury items have seen decreased demand, categories such as sportswear, fitness equipment, and premium branded goods in personal care and outdoor activities have maintained stronger sales. This shift suggests a fundamental change in consumer priorities, moving away from conspicuous consumption toward experiences, hobbies, and health-related purchases. As the festival evolves, it serves as an important indicator of both the challenges and opportunities in China's changing retail landscape, with businesses and consumers alike adapting to new economic realities and shifting market dynamics. 光棍節的轉變反映出中國消費者行為和經濟狀況的廣泛變化。專家指出,北京最近的刺激措施在提振消費者信心方面成效有限,許多消費者在購物時變得更加謹慎。雖然傳統奢侈品的需求有所下降,但運動服飾、健身器材,以及個人護理和戶外活動類的精品商品銷售仍然強勁。這種轉變顯示消費者優先考慮的重點產生了根本性的改變,從炫耀性消費轉向追求體驗、興趣愛好和健康相關的消費。隨著節慶的演變,它成為中國不斷變化的零售市場中挑戰與機會的重要指標,企業和消費者都在適應新的經濟現況和不斷變化的市場動態。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Barometer (ba-rom-e-ter): This annual shopping festival, celebrated on November 11 (11.11), has traditionally been a barometer of consumer confidence in the world's second-largest economy.Bonanza (bo-nan-za): Both businesses and consumers are to reassess their participation in this once-celebrated shopping bonanza.Skeptical (skep-ti-cal): Many shoppers, like Beijing fitness center owner Wang Haihua, have become increasingly skeptical of promotional tactics, noting that the discounts aren't as attractive as they once were.Reportedly (re-port-ed-ly): This pivot has shown promising results, with some 70,000 merchants reportedly doubling their sales through global shipping initiatives.Indicator (in-di-ca-tor): As the festival evolves, it serves as an important indicator of both the challenges and opportunities in China's changing retail landscape. Reference article: 1. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chinas-singles-day-shopping-spree-045509095.html 2. https://apnews.com/article/china-singles-day-shopping-festival-f2a2ef53af878b61ce2c43e9196d7da5