15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.12 好萊塢動畫配音員 Top Hollywood Animation Voice Actors

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Source: From his 1996 commencement speech at Boston University 1. 羅賓·威廉斯(迪士尼《阿拉丁》精靈配音) 名言:「不管別人怎麼說,文字和想法都能改變世界。」 出處:1996年波士頓大學畢業典禮演說 Robin Williams revolutionized voice acting in animation withhis role as Genie in Disney's "Aladdin" (1992). Before his involvement, voice actors typically stuck strictly to the script, but Williams improvised over 16 hours of material for Genie, with only a fraction making it into the final film. His work changed how animation studios approached voice acting, leading to more improvisational freedom. Williams initially took the role for $75,000 (far below his usual fee) but had conditions: his voice couldn't be used for merchandise and Genie couldn't take up more than 25% of advertising. When Disney broke these conditions, Williams refused to return for the direct-to-video sequel. He later reconciled with Disney after receiving an apology and a Pablo Picasso painting. The role earned him a Special Golden Globe Award. Despite his massive success, Williams continued to visit children's hospitals in character as Genie, showing his dedication to bringing joy to others. His work demonstrated how voice acting could be just as dynamic and creative as live-action performance. 羅賓·威廉斯在1992年迪士尼動畫《阿拉丁》中為精靈配音時,徹底改變了動畫配音的形式。在他之前,配音員通常嚴格遵照劇本,但威廉斯為精靈即興創作了超過16小時的內容,最後只有一小部分被採用在電影中。他的工作改變了動畫製作公司對配音的態度,帶來更多即興發揮的空間。威廉斯最初只收了7.5萬美元(遠低於他的一般片酬)接下這個角色,但有條件:他的聲音不能用於商品,精靈的形象在廣告中不能超過25%。當迪士尼違反這些條件時,威廉斯拒絕為直接發行影片的續集配音。後來在收到道歉和一幅畢卡索畫作後,他與迪士尼和解。這個角色為他贏得特別金球獎。儘管大獲成功,威廉斯仍持續以精靈的角色造訪兒童醫院,展現他為他人帶來歡樂的熱忱。他的工作證明配音演出可以和實景表演一樣充滿活力和創意。 2. Jim Cummings (Voice of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger) Quote: "Never give up. Never stop believing in yourselfand your abilities. You never know who might be looking up to you." Source: Interview with Animation World Network, 2011 名言:「永不放棄。永遠相信自己和自己的能力。你永遠不知道誰可能正在以你為榜樣。」 出處:2011年動畫世界網路訪談 Jim Cummings has voiced over 400 characters across hiscareer, including Disney's Winnie the Pooh and Tigger since 1988. He began his career doing radio commercials and working at Disneyland. What many don't know is that he would use his voice talents to call sick children in hospitals as their favorite characters, particularly during the holidays. Cummings is known for his incredible versatility – he can seamlessly switch between characters mid-conversation. He took over both Pooh and Tigger from the legendary Sterling Holloway and Paul Winchell, respectively, becoming the first person to voice both characters regularly. His dedication to maintaining the legacy of these beloved characters while adding his own touch has earned him multiple Annie Awards. Despite his success, Cummings still attends voice acting workshops to continue improving his craft. He's known in the industry for helping new voice actors, often providing mentorship and encouragement to those starting their careers. 吉姆·卡明斯在其職業生涯中配音超過400個角色,從1988年起為迪士尼的小熊維尼和跳跳虎配音。他的職業生涯始於廣播廣告和在迪士尼樂園工作。鮮為人知的是,他會用角色的聲音打電話給住院的病童,特別是在節慶期間。卡明斯以其驚人的多變性聞名-他能在對話中無縫切換不同角色。他分別接替了傳奇配音員史特林·哈洛威和保羅·溫切爾,成為第一個同時固定為維尼和跳跳虎配音的人。他在保持這些深受喜愛角色傳統的同時也加入自己的特色,因此贏得多座安妮獎。儘管成就斐然,卡明斯仍參加配音工作坊持續精進。他在業界以幫助新進配音員聞名,經常為剛起步的後輩提供指導和鼓勵。 3. June Foray (Voice of Rocky from "Rocky andBullwinkle") Quote: "If you love what you do, you never work a dayin your life - that's why I'm still working." Source: From her 2009 Television Academy Foundation Interview 3. 瓊·弗雷(《洛基與巴維》中洛基配音) 名言:「如果你熱愛你的工作,你就永遠不會覺得在工作-這就是為什麼我還在繼續工作。」 出處:2009年電視學院基金會訪談 Known as the "First Lady of Voice Acting," JuneForay's career spanned nearly 80 years. Born in 1917, she began voice acting on radio at age 12. Beyond Rocky the Flying Squirrel, she voiced Natasha Fatale, Nell Fenwick, and thousands of other characters. Foray was instrumental in creating the Annie Awards and pushing for animation to be recognized by the Academy Awards. She fought for voice actors to receive proper credit and compensation when most were uncredited. Despite working well into her 90s, she continued to take voice acting classes, believing that one should never stop learning. In 1995, ASIFA-Hollywood created the June Foray Award to recognize individuals who made significant contributions to animation. She was its first recipient. Walt Disney personally sought her out to voice Lucifer the Cat in "Cinderella," leading to a long relationship with Disney studios. Foray was also a voice director and teacher, helping shape the careers of countless voice actors. 被譽為「配音界第一夫人」的瓊·弗雷,其職業生涯橫跨將近80年。1917年出生的她12歲就開始在廣播電台配音。除了飛鼠洛基,她還為娜塔莎·法塔勒、奈爾·芬維克等數千個角色配音。弗雷是安妮獎的重要推手,也致力於讓動畫獲得奧斯卡獎的認可。她為配音員爭取適當的署名和報酬,當時大多數配音員都未獲得署名。即使90多歲仍在工作,她持續參加配音課程,深信學習永無止境。1995年,國際動畫協會好萊塢分會設立瓊·弗雷獎,表揚對動畫產業有重大貢獻的人士,她是首位得主。華特·迪士尼親自邀請她為《仙履奇緣》中的路西法貓配音,開啟她與迪士尼工作室的長期合作。弗雷也是配音導演和教師,培育了無數配音人才。

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