15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.13 知名電視卡通的配音員 Famous cartoon voice actors
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Source: Interview with The A.V. Club, 2012 1. 湯姆·肯尼(海綿寶寶配音) 名言:「配音就是演戲。演戲就是演戲。假裝成為別人就是在演戲,不管你穿著什麼戲服-或者沒穿。」 出處:2012年 A.V.Club訪談 Tom Kenny has voiced SpongeBob SquarePants since 1999,creating one of the most recognizable cartoon voices in television history. Before SpongeBob, he was a stand-up comedian and worked on various animated shows including "Rocko's Modern Life." The voice of SpongeBob was inspired by the voice he used for a minor character in "Rocko's Modern Life." Kenny developed SpongeBob's iconic laugh after creator Stephen Hillenburg requested a laugh that sounded like "a dolphin mixed with a seagull." He records episodes in group sessions with his fellow voice actors to maintain the natural chemistry between characters. Beyond SpongeBob, Kenny has voiced over 1000 characters including the Ice King in "Adventure Time" and the Mayor in "Powerpuff Girls." Despite his success, he still attends voice acting workshops and constantly works on expanding his vocal range. Kenny often visits children's hospitals in character as SpongeBob, bringing joy to sick children. He's won multiple Annie Awards and Emmys for his voice work. 湯姆·肯尼自1999年起為海綿寶寶配音,創造了電視史上最廣為人知的卡通角色聲音之一。在配海綿寶寶之前,他是位單口喜劇演員,也在多部動畫中配音,包括《洛可現代生活》。海綿寶寶的聲音靈感來自他在《洛可現代生活》中為一個小角色配音時的聲線。肯尼根據製作人史蒂芬·希倫伯格要求「像海豚混合海鷗的笑聲」,發展出海綿寶寶標誌性的笑聲。他與其他配音員一起錄製集數,以保持角色間的自然互動。除了海綿寶寶,肯尼還為超過1000個角色配音,包括《探險活寶》的冰霸王和《飛天小女警》的市長。儘管成就斐然,他仍參加配音工作坊,不斷擴展自己的聲域。肯尼經常以海綿寶寶的角色造訪兒童醫院,為病童帶來歡樂。他的配音工作獲得多座安妮獎和艾美獎。 2. Grey DeLisle-Griffin (Voice of Daphne from Scooby-Doo andAzula from Avatar: The Last Airbender) Quote: "The beautiful thing about voice-over is thatyou can play any role, regardless of what you look like. It's about bringing truth to the character." Source: Behind The Voice Actors Interview, 2018 2. 葛雷·德莉絲-葛里芬(史酷比配音的黛芙妮和《降世神通》的阿祖拉配音) 名言:「配音最美的地方在於你可以演任何角色,不受外表限制。關鍵是為角色注入真實感。」 出處:2018年配音演員幕後訪談 Grey DeLisle-Griffin began her career as a stand-up comedianand singer before becoming one of the most prolific voice actresses in animation. She has voiced over 1500 characters, earning her a place in the Guinness World Records. Her breakthrough came when she replaced Mary Kay Bergman as the voice of Daphne in the Scooby-Doo franchise after Bergman's passing. DeLisle-Griffin is known for her incredible vocal range, able to voice both young boys and elderly women convincingly. She prepares for roles by creating detailed backstories for her characters, even if they're not in the script. In addition to voice acting, she's a trained singer and has released several folk music albums. She regularly teaches voice acting workshops, emphasizing theimportance of authenticity in performance. What many don't know is that she started by doing impression shows at retirement homes, which helped her develop her wide range of voices. 葛雷·德莉絲-葛里芬在成為最多產的動畫配音女演員之前,是位單口喜劇演員和歌手。她為超過1500個角色配音,因此獲得金氏世界紀錄認證。她的突破是在瑪莉·凱·柏格曼過世後,接替她在史酷比系列中配音黛芙妮。德莉絲-葛里芬以驚人的聲域著稱,能同時令人信服地為小男孩和老婦人配音。她會為角色創造詳細的背景故事來準備角色,即使劇本中沒有提到。除了配音,她還是受過訓練的歌手,發行過幾張民謠專輯。她定期教授配音工作坊,強調表演真實性的重要。鮮為人知的是,她最初在養老院表演模仿秀,這幫助她發展出多樣的聲音。 3. Nancy Cartwright (Voice of Bart Simpson) Quote: "Don't let anyone tell you that you can't dosomething just because they couldn't do it." Source: Her 2000 autobiography "My Life as a10-Year-Old Boy" 3. 南西·卡特萊特(霸子配音) 名言:「別讓任何人告訴你做不到什麼,只因為他們做不到。」 出處:2000年自傳《我的十歲男孩人生》 Nancy Cartwright originally auditioned for the role of LisaSimpson but felt more connected to Bart's character during the audition. She has voiced Bart and other characters on "The Simpsons" since 1989, making it the longest-running role in animation history. Before The Simpsons, she was mentored by Daws Butler, the voice of Yogi Bear and many Hanna-Barbera characters. Cartwright spent time studying Warner Bros. cartoons and practicing voices while working at a radio station in Ohio. She can switch between her various Simpsons characters (including Nelson Muntz and Ralph Wiggum) in rapid succession during recording sessions. Despite voicing a boy for over 30 years, she says she's never tired of the role because Bart's character continues to evolve. She wrote her autobiography to inspire others who dream of voice acting careers. Cartwright has won numerous awards, including an Emmy for her portrayal of Bart. 南西·卡特萊特最初試鏡是想配音麗莎,但在試鏡時覺得自己與霸子這個角色更有共鳴。她自1989年起為《辛普森家庭》中的霸子和其他角色配音,創下動畫史上最長配音紀錄。在《辛普森家庭》之前,她師從漢納巴貝拉卡通多個角色及瑜基熊的配音道斯·巴特勒。卡特萊特在俄亥俄州的廣播電台工作時,花時間研究華納兄弟的卡通並練習配音。她能在錄音時快速切換她配音的各個辛普森角色(包括尼爾森·蒙茲和雷夫·威格姆)。儘管為男孩配音超過30年,她說從未厭倦這個角色,因為霸子的角色一直在演進。她寫自傳是為了激勵那些夢想成為配音員的人。卡特萊特獲得多項獎項,包括因演繹霸子而獲得的艾美獎。