國際時事跟讀Ep.K859: 大型企業收緊重返辦公上班政策 Big Companies Tighten Return-to-Office Rules
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In a significant move, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), one of the world's largest consulting and accounting firms, has announced a stricter return-to-office policy for its UK employees. Starting January 2024, PwC staff will be required to spend at least three days a week, or 60% of their time, in the office or with clients. This marks an increase from the previous two to three-day requirement. To ensure compliance, the company plans to monitor employees' locations using data tracking. This new policy aims to provide clarity and consistency across the business. 在一項大動作中,全球最大的諮詢和會計公司之一資誠聯合會計師事務所(PwC)宣布對其英國員工實施更嚴格的重返辦公室政策。從 2024 年 1 月開始,普華永道的員工被要求每週至少有三天,或 60% 的時間在辦公室或與客戶在一起。這比之前要求的每週兩到三天有所增加。為確保政策執行,公司計劃使用數據追蹤來監控員工的位置。這項新政策旨在為整個企業提供明確性和一致性。 PwC's decision reflects a growing trend among major companies to bring employees back to the workplace as the COVID-19 pandemic subsides. The firm believes that face-to-face interactions are crucial for building strong relationships with clients and creating a positive learning environment. Laura Hinton, PwC UK's Managing Partner, stated that this change "feels right for our business and right for our people, given our focus on client service, coaching, and learning and development." The company argues that being physically together offers clients a differentiated experience and fosters a better environment for learning and coaching. 資誠的決定反映了隨著新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情消退,大型公司將員工帶回工作場所的普遍趨勢。該公司認為,面對面互動對於建立與客戶的緊密關係和創造積極的學習環境至關重要。資誠的英國管理夥伴蘿拉・欣頓表示,這個變化「對我們的業務和員工來說都是合適的,考慮到我們專注於客戶服務、指導和學習發展」。公司認為,真人在場可以為客戶提供差異化的體驗,並為學習和指導創造更好的環境。 Other tech giants and financial institutions have also implemented similar policies. Amazon and Meta now require employees to be in the office at least three days a week. Amazon has even warned that non-compliance could jeopardize promotions or lead to termination. JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs have taken steps to reduce remote work as well. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has been particularly vocal about the flaws associated with working from home. These companies argue that in-person collaboration is essential for productivity, innovation, and maintaining company culture. However, the shift back to office-based work has not been without controversy, with some employees expressing concerns about work-life balance and flexibility. 其他科技巨頭和金融機構也實施了類似的政策。亞馬遜和 Meta 現在要求員工每週至少在辦公室工作三天。亞馬遜甚至警告,不遵守規定可能會危及晉升機會或導致解雇。摩根大通、摩根史坦利和高盛也採取措施減少遠距工作。摩根大通執行長傑米・戴蒙直言不諱地指出了在家工作的缺陷。這些公司認為,面對面的合作對於提高生產力、促進創新和維護公司文化至關重要。然而,重返辦公室的轉變並非沒有爭議,一些員工對工作生活的平衡和靈活性表示擔憂。 While many companies are pushing for a return to the office, experts suggest that a balanced approach might be more effective. Claire McCartney from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) notes that companies with hybrid working models generally rate the performance of remote employees positively. She advises employers to seek a balance that meets both employee needs and business requirements. McCartney emphasizes that it makes good business sense for employees or teams to be together on specific days, rather than requiring everyone in the office due to a lack of trust in remote work performance. As the debate continues, it's clear that the future of work will likely involve a mix of in-office and remote options, with companies fine-tuning their policies to find the right balance for their specific needs and culture. The challenge lies in creating an environment that fosters collaboration and innovation while still offering the flexibility that many employees have come to value during the pandemic era. 儘管許多公司正在推動重返辦公室,但專家建議採取更平衡的方法可能更有效。英國特許人事與發展協會(Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development,CIPD)的克萊爾・麥卡特尼指出,採用混合工作模式的公司普遍對遠距員工的表現評價良好。她建議雇主尋求平衡,以滿足員工需求和業務要求。麥卡特尼強調,讓員工或團隊在特定日子聚在一起是有商業意義的,而不是因為不信任遠距工作表現而要求所有人都在辦公室。隨著辯論持續發展,未來的工作方式很可能會涉及辦公室和遠距選項的組合,公司將微調他們的政策,以找到適合其特定需求和文化的正確平衡。而挑戰則在於創造一個能促進協作和創新的環境,並同時仍然提供許多員工在疫情時期所重視的靈活性。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Consulting (Con-sult-ing): In a significant move, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), one of the world's largest consulting and accounting firms, has announced a stricter return-to-office policy for its UK employees.Consistency (Con-sist-en-cy): This new policy aims to provide clarity and consistency across the business.Differentiated (Dif-fer-en-ti-a-ted): The company argues that being physically together offers clients a differentiated experience and fosters a better environment for learning and coaching.Jeopardize (Jeop-ard-ize): Amazon has even warned that non-compliance could jeopardize promotions or lead to termination.Collaboration (Col-lab-o-ra-tion): These companies argue that in-person collaboration is essential for productivity, innovation, and maintaining company culture. Reference article: 1. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/06/business/pwc-tracking-employees-office-gbr-scli-intl/index.html 2. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/company-plans-track-workers-locations-return-to-office-crackdown