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There is caffeine in tea, cocoa, cola drinks and so on. 許多民眾在精神不濟時,會選擇飲用咖啡來提神,但別以為咖啡因只有在咖啡、茶裡有,可可亞、可樂等都含有咖啡因。 Is caffeine good or bad for your health? Nutritionists say that getting an appropriate amount of caffeine can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and perk you up, but remember not to take too much, otherwise it may put even more strain on your body. 究竟咖啡因對身體是好還是壞?營養師表示,攝取適量的咖啡因能夠有助腸胃蠕動及提振精神,但切記勿攝取過量,否則可能會造成身體更多的負擔。 On Aug. 24, nutritionist Yu Chu-ching wrote a post on her “Julie dietician” Facebook page, saying that the main benefits of caffeine are lifting one’s spirits, promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, reducing fluid retention and moderating one’s appetite. Caffeine has its strongest effect about one hour after drinking, and it takes about 40 hours to fully metabolize 200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. However, people’s metabolic responses are not all exactly the same. In addition, people should beware of consuming too much, which can cause discomfort such as anxiety, palpitations and insomnia. Healthy adults can consume up to about 300mg in one day. The average commercially available large cup of coffee contains 200mg of caffeine, so drinking two cups will take you over the limit. 營養師余朱青八月二十四日在臉書粉專「余朱青Julie營養師」發文指出,咖啡因的優點,主要是提振精神、促進腸胃蠕動、消水腫、減緩食慾。而咖啡因最強的時候是喝完一小時後,大約四十個小時才會代謝完兩百毫克的咖啡因,不過每個人新陳代謝反應並不完全相同。此外,小心攝取過量引起身體不適,如焦慮、心悸、失眠等,對健康成人而言,一天可以攝取的咖啡因量大約於三百毫克內。一般市售大杯咖啡就含有兩百毫克咖啡因,喝兩杯就會超標! Yu said that those who suffer from heart disease should reduce this amount to about one half and not take more than 150 to 200mg of caffeine a day. Children under 12 years old should not touch caffeine, while teenagers should not exceed 100mg a day. As for pregnant women, they should go easy on it and not consume more than 100 to 200mg in one day. 余朱青表示,如果有心臟疾病的人,份量大概是要減到一半,一天不要攝取超過一百五十到兩百毫克的咖啡因;小於十二歲不要碰咖啡因,青少年一天不要超過一百毫克;然而孕婦要比較節制,一天不要超過一百到兩百毫克。 Yu reminded her readers not to eat a load of excess sugar at the same time as consuming caffeine, otherwise it may cancel out many of the benefits. She also said that carbonated beverages and energy drinks contain sugar and other additives, so it is best not to drink them very often. 余朱青提醒,攝取咖啡因時記得不要同時吃進一堆多餘的糖,這可能會讓咖啡因的好處大打折扣,而碳酸飲料或能量飲料,因含有糖和其他添加物,不宜常喝。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/09/14/2003764311 Next Article Topic: Seattle startup rolling out new coffee product without coffee beans There’s a new guilt-free product underway that is planning to perk up the coffee industry. 有個新的無罪惡感產品正在進行,計畫振興咖啡產業。 Seattle-based Atomo Coffee Inc. is grinding up what it dubs as coffeeless coffee - derived from sunflower seed husks and watermelon seeds, which undergo a patented chemical process. 位於西雅圖的「原子咖啡」正在研磨其所稱的無咖啡咖啡,源自葵花籽殼與西瓜籽,並經過專利的化學過程處理。 The processing of such ingredients results into molecules that set out to mimic the flavor and feel of real java. 將這些成分加工會產生一些分子,來模仿真實爪哇(咖啡)的味道與感覺。 The product’s grounds are brewed just like a regular cup of coffee and will still contain caffeine. 這款產品的咖啡渣就像普通咖啡一樣沖泡,並且仍然含有咖啡因。 The company cites the devastating effects of climate change and the deforestation of approximately 250,000 acres of land per year as the catalyst behind its ’’naturally derived ingredients’’ delivering ’’the same great coffee experience without the negative environmental impacts.’’ 該公司援引氣候變遷的破壞性影響,與每年約25萬畝森林被砍伐為其「天然衍生成分」背後的催化劑,提供「同樣優秀且沒有對環境造成負面影響的咖啡體驗」。 Next article Topic: Saudi Society Is Changing Just Take a Look at These Coffeehouses For insight into these head-spinning times in Saudi Arabia, where the ultraconservative social and religious codes that micromanage daily life seem to spring a new leak every month — women driving! movie theaters! Usher and Akon rapping to sold-out crowds! — it sometimes pays to read the Google Maps reviews of specialty coffee shops. 沙烏地阿拉伯極度保守的社會和宗教規範控制了日常生活每個細節,最近這些規範似乎每個月都出現新的破口:允許女性開車!准許電影院營運!美國節奏藍調歌手亞瑟小子和阿肯到沙國表演說唱樂的門票賣光!為了深刻了解沙國這些令人頭暈目眩的時刻,有時值得讀讀谷歌地圖中針對沙國精品咖啡店的網友評價。 “I visited this place and was in a total shock!” Tarak Alhamood, a customer at Nabt Fenjan, a Riyadh coffee shop, raged online recently. “YOU r VIOLATING the rules of this country. I hope this place get closed permanently.” 首都利雅德「納特芬詹」咖啡店的顧客艾哈穆德,最近在網路上開罵:「我去過這個地方,非常震驚!你們這家店違反我國規定。希望這裡永遠關門。」 The issue was the decision that made Nabt Fenjan a daring outpost of the new Riyadh: Originally opened only for women, the coffee shop began allowing male and female customers to mix in late 2018. 問題出在一個決定,這決定使納特芬詹成了新風貌利雅德大無畏的前哨站:這家咖啡店原本只限女性入內,2018年底開始允許男女顧客共聚一堂。 The move propelled the cafe ahead of the law in the kingdom, where most restaurants and coffee shops are divided, by law and custom, into all-male “singles” sections and “family” sections for women and mixed family groups. Men enter through separate doors and pay in separate lines; women sometimes eat behind partitions to ensure privacy from male strangers. 這個舉動使納特芬詹比沙國法律還先進。沙國多數餐廳和咖啡館都依照法律和習俗實行男女隔離制度,分成全是男性的「單身」區和女性及男女混合家庭團體的「家庭」區。男性從另外的門口進入,付帳時也在另外的動線上排隊。女性有時在隔板後方進餐,確保不被陌生男性看到。 In early December, however, the government announced that businesses would no longer be required to segregate customers — the latest expansion of the social reforms initiated by the de facto Saudi ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. 但去年12月初,沙國政府宣布,商家無須再把男女顧客隔開。這是沙國實質領袖、王儲穆罕默德所發動社會改革的最新進展。 Yet Nabt Fenjan was far from the only Saudi establishment to discreetly drop separate sections over the last few years, after the crown prince defanged the religious police, which once enforced conservative social norms. Nor was it the only place to thrive partly as a result. 不過,在王儲限制宗教警察的權力之後,納特芬詹絕非沙國近年小心翼翼捨棄男女隔離體制的唯一機構,也不是或多或少因而生意興隆的唯一地方。沙國宗教警察曾嚴格執行保守的社會規範。 “I think the reason coffee shops became a trend is because people are more open to change,” said Shaden Alkhalifah, 30, who was studying at Draft Café in Riyadh on a recent evening. 30歲的雪登.阿爾哈利法最近一個晚上在利雅德「草圖咖啡廳」研讀資料,她說:「咖啡館流行起來,是因為人們更歡迎改變。」 Notwithstanding Alhamood’s Google pan of Nabt Fenjan, even traditionalists have begun to unbend amid the general loosening-up, in larger cities if not yet in smaller ones or rural areas. 儘管艾哈穆德在谷歌上痛批納特芬詹,但就連恪守傳統的人也在這波社會風氣鬆綁的大潮中開始放鬆,或許尚未及於小城市和鄉間,卻已出現在大城市。 Some women whose families might previously have allowed them to work only in the privacy of offices, if at all, now hold barista jobs. Saudis can now mingle with the opposite sex not only at home but also at movie theaters, concerts and even wrestling matches. 一些沙國女性原本即使家人允許她們出來工作,也只能在具私密性的辦公室內工作,如今卻幹起了咖啡師。沙國人現在可以跟異性共處一堂,不只在家裡,在電影院、音樂會,甚至摔角比賽都行。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/4414614 Next Article Topic: South Korea’s coffee market to reach W6.8tr-韓咖啡市場達6.8兆韓元 The size of the South Korean coffee market will reach 6.8 trillion won by the end of this year, according to a report released by the Hyundai Research Institute. 根據「現代經濟研究院」一份報告,今年底前,南韓咖啡市場的規模將達6.8兆韓元。 Koreans, aged over 20, drank a total of 353 cups of coffee per person on average last year, the report said. The average per capita coffee consumption in the world was 132 cups in the same year, which is one-third of domestic consumption. 該報告指稱,20歲以上的南韓人,去年每人平均總計喝了353杯咖啡。同年全球人均咖啡消費量則為132杯,乃(南韓)國內消費量的3分之1。 Shinhan Card said Thursday it has started running "Shinhan Face Pay," a facial recognition-based payment system. Its employees are able to make payments with the system at the cafeteria, coffee shop and CU convenience store inside the company’s headquarters building. 「新韓信用卡」週四表示,該公司已開辦「新韓人臉支付」(服務),這是一種以臉部辨識為基礎的支付系統。其員工能在該公司總部大樓內的自助餐廳、咖啡廳和「CU」(南韓便利商店品牌)便利商店,藉由該系統進行付款。