آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (24)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (24)hitwo thousand dollarsThis is my friend.nine in the morningsayTry to say.Wait here.Come in.I think so.He has to come, too._______________I need some gas.really?How far is the gas station?It's only one mile from here.How much money do you need?How much gas do you need?I don't need a lot.But I want a lot of milk.for your car?No, for my children.How many children do you have?I have five children.three sons and two daughtersThey go to the beach a lot.They're going again tomorrow.We're going to buy that house.Is it big enough?I thinkYou need a bigger house.A bigger house is more expensive, too.How much money do you have now?I have nine hundred fifty dollars.I want to buy a small car.Is that small enough?No, I need a smaller car.____________________A: Hi, Joe. What are you doing?B: I'm going to buy a gas station.A: Really? I think it's better if you buy a house.B: I don't have enough money to buy a big house now, but if I buy a gas station, I canbuy a bigger house for my children and wife later.A: Is it more expensive for you to buy a house or a gas station?B: It's more expensive for me to buy a gas station now, but I can buy a house later withthe money from the gas station.A: How far is the gas station from your house?B: It's very far from your house. Maybe two or three hundred miles.A: How many miles is it from here?B: It's only five miles from here.A: Okay. I have to go now. Goodbye.B: Goodbye.__________Hello, how are you?hiHi, how are you?How much money do you have?I have three hundred dollars.How much more do you need?two thousand dollarsfour hundred dollarsfour thousand dollarsten thousand dollarsI have twenty thousand dollars.That's a lot of money.helloThis is my friend.Who's that?Who's this?This is my friend Mina.Nice to meet you, Mina.Nice to meet you, too.You're very cute.thanks a lotThis is a good restaurant.Is this your car?No, I have a smaller car.My car is smaller than this.good morningWhat time would you like to have breakfast?nine in the morningWe're going to the mall at ten o'clock.We're going to the mall in the morning.I have to buy some gas.My car doesn't have any gas.We can buy gas in the morning, too.sayI need a smaller car.I need more gas.I need some gas now.I speak English.I speak English very well now.Try to say.I'd like to have breakfast in the morning.Now try to say.I'd like to have breakfast later.Excuse me, ma'am.Is Sarah home?Yes, she's home.Wait here.Can you wait here?I can't wait.I'm sorry, but Sarah is not home.Would you like to wait for her?sureCome in.Come in, please.Would you like to come in?You can wait over there.Come in.Wait here.Come here.Hi, Sarah. How are you?I'm fine, thanks.When are you going to come here?I don't know.I'm going to buy something.I'm buying something now.I'm coming now.How much money do you have?I have a lot of money.I have more than six thousand dollars.Is this your wallet?I think so.Is this your money?I think so.________hithousandthisThis is my friend.morningin the morningtryTry to say.waitwifewaitwhat?wellwantwaitWait here, please.Come in.thinkI think so.________What are you doing?I'm going to wait here.I'm waiting for my son.I'm waiting for him here.Are you going to come in?I'm going to come in later.Where's your son?He's coming here.Where's your son coming from?He's coming from Toronto.I'm waiting for him here.How far is Toronto from here?Toronto's very far from here.How many kilometers is it?It's three thousand kilometers from here.really?Are you sure?I think so.I don't know.I don't think so.We have to go to the hotel now.and your son?He has to come, too.I have to go.He has to go.I have a thousand dollars.He has a thousand dollars.Is your daughter coming, too?Yes, she has to come, too.My daughter's coming, too.Does she have any money?Yes, she has a lot of money.But my son has more money.Does he have more money than you?No, he doesn't have more money than me.But he has more money than my wife.really?Yes, really.Does he have more money than me?I don't think so.wait____A: Hi, Charles. Are you coming to the restaurant, too?B: No, I have to go to the mall in morning. I'm trying to buy a dress for my wife.A: The mall is more expensive than the stores.B: I don't think so.A: We can ask my son, but we have to wait. He's eating breakfast.B: Does he have to go to the mall, too?A: He has to buy something, but I don't think he's going to buy anything from the mall.He thinks the mall is too expensive.B: Really? Not the mall I go to.A: How much do you think this dress is at the mall you go to?B: I don't know how much this dress is, but it's not more expensive than the store.A: Okay. I have to go now. Goodbye.B: Goodbye. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/amwzsh-zbn-nglysy-nsrt-bh-hmrh-mtn/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy