آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (26)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (26)stillWe still need money.Ali's still in Iran.ten metersthirty feetsquaresquare metereighty square metersthree hundred square feetHow many square meters is your house?I don't live there anymore.straight aheadseven gallonsforty literstwo dollars per literMrs. JohnsonMr. Johnson__________My family lives in Vancouver.Our son is going to Iran.Our daughter is going with him, too.with himwith herwith usHow many people are they?They're only eight people.Ali, do you want to come with us?No, I'm going with my friends.which way?this waythat wayWhich car is yours?this onethat onethe big onethe small oneWhich way is Homburg?It's that way.Are you sure?I think so.There are good hotels in London.But they're very expensive.That's our house.which one?the big oneThere are two gas stations here.Which one is bigger?Which one is smaller?Which one is more expensive?Which one is better?Mina has a friend in Paris.Ali lives with us.He lives with us.He still lives with us.stillI need some money.I can give you fifty dollars.That's not enough.I still need more money.Where's your family?My family is still in Iran.I'm waiting for you.Where are you?I'm still waiting for you.I'm coming.That's your car.That's yours.That's our car.That's ours.Your house is on Main Street.Yours is on Main Street.But ours is on Washington Street.You owe me some money.I don't think so.Yes, you owe me two hundred sixty dollars.Are you sure?Yes, you can ask your wife.If you want.Here's two hundred dollars.You still owe me sixty dollars.Do you still live on Sunset Avenue?No, I don't live there anymore.I don't live there anymore.Does your son still live in Los Angeles?No, he doesn't live there anymore.not todaynot anymoreCan I borrow some money from you?not anymoreI can't give you money anymore.How big is your house?It's not very big.five milesfive kilometersfive meterstwo thousand metersone metersquare metersquareone square meterfour hundred square metersone hundred twenty square metersOur house is two hundred square meters.How many kilometers?How many meters?How many square meters?How many square meters is your house?It's ninety square meters.square footfootone footten feetnine hundred square feetthree hundred twenty square metersExcuse me. Which way is Oslo?Is it that way?No, it's not that way.It's this way.It's straight ahead.straight aheadIt's straight ahead.Which way is Main Street?It's straight ahead.this waythat wayHow many kilometers is it to Oslo?It's only fifty kilometers.How big is your house?It's a thousand square meters.or maybe a thousand square feetI'm going to Canada tomorrow.at six o'clock in the morningIs gas more expensive in Canada?Yes, gas is very expensive in Canada.How much is it?How much is gas in Canada?three dollars per gallontwo dollars per gallonHow many gallons do you need?I need fifteen gallons.two dollars per literliterten gallons of gasten liters of gas_____________A: Excuse me, ma'am. Which way is Miami?B: I'm sorry. I don't know.A: Sir, which way is Miami?C: It's straight ahead.A: How far is it from here to Miami?C: I think it's seventy miles.A: Where is a gas station here?C: A gas station...? Do you need gas?A: Yes, I do.C: Gas is very expensive here.A: How much is it?C: It's three dollars per gallon.A: Three dollars...? That's too expensive.C: I know, you can buy it Miami. It's cheaper over there.A: But I'm not sure if I have enough gas to Miami.C: Then you have to buy it here.A: Thank you, sir.C: You're welcome.________________Come in, please.This is Mrs. Johnson.Mrs. JohnsonThis is Mr. Johnson.Hello, Mr. Johnson.Hello, Mrs. Johnson.Nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson.How much is gas per liter?______________________stillstorestillmeterten meterssquaresquare metersquare footten square feetstraightsquarestraightaheadstraight aheadliterfour literspertwo dollars per literpergallontwo dollars per gallonten gallonsMr.Hello, Mr. Johnson.which?waywhich way?__________Which way is Mashhad?It's straight ahead.Excuse me. Where's the gas station?It's on Sunset Avenue.Which way is Sunset Avenue?It's straight ahead.It's that way.It's this way.We have a big house.But ours is bigger.How big is your house?It's five thousand square feet.That's very big.It's three hundred square meters.Would you like something to drink?Yes, please.Is coffee okay?I don't drink coffee anymore.But I still drink tea.Which one is your wallet?the small oneThe small one is mine.How many people live here?Maybe four people..., I don't know. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/amwzsh-zbn-nglysy-nsrt-bh-hmrh-mtn/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy