آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (27)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (27)how long?for five daysI want to stay here.leftrightTurn left.Turn right.Go straight ahead.Go two miles.and then what?Then turn left.Do you want to go by car?Take my car.Can I take your car?not badListen to me.Sweden______We still live in Los Angeles.That's our house.which one?the big oneYour house is very big.Yes, it's four thousand square feet.It's four hundred square meters.Our house is very small.Ours is very small.It's smaller than yours.I don't have money anymore.I don't want to eat rice anymore.I don't want to speak with her anymore.why not?Because she doesn't listen to me.listenListen to me.You don't listen to me.How much is gas here?a dollar per litertwo dollars per gallonHow much gas do you need?We only want five liters of gas.Mr. Smith, how are you?Fine, thank you.not badHow are you?not badHello Mrs. Johnson.Where's your husband?SwedenHe's still in Sweden.He wants to stay there.stayDo you want to stay here?Yes, I do.No, I don't.I'm going to Manchester tomorrow.how long?Do you want to stay there?How long do you want to stay there?only three daysdayten daystodayThat's for you.for youfive daysfor five daysWe're going to Mashhad.for how long?for twenty daysAre you going by car?Yes, we are.But Mashhad's very far from here.not badMy son doesn't listen to me.why not?I don't know.He wants to buy a house.And he doesn't have enough money.He wants to borrow a lot of money.I tell him.You can buy a smaller house.You can still live with us.You can still stay here.You don't need to buy a house.But he doesn't listen to me.I don't know what to do.Excuse me. Which way is Disneyland?It's straight ahead.leftTurn left.turnleftYou can't turn here.You can't turn left here.Turn right.rightleftYou can't turn right here.straight aheadGo straight ahead.Then turn left.thenGo straight ahead.two milesGo two miles.Excuse me. Where's Main Street?Go straight ahead.Then turn left.Go two miles, and then turn right.thanksYou're welcome.How long are you going to stay in Los Angeles?four days________A: Excuse me, sir. Which way is Main Street?B: Main Street...? There are two Main Streets here, one in Beverly Hills and one inSanta Monica. Which one do you want?A: The one in Beverly hills.B: Okay. It's not very far from here. Go straight ahead, and then turn right.A: And then what?B: Then go straight ahead, and turn left on Harvard Avenue.A: Do you know how many miles it is from here?B: I think it's four miles.A: Thank you, sir.B: You're welcome.________________Turn left.Turn right.Go straight ahead.thenthen what?and then what?And then turn left._______________listenListen to me.badnot badSwedenstaystorespeakstaylonghow long?turnrightTurn right.Turn left.thenThen turn left.Then go straight ahead.That's my house.which one?the one over thereI'm going to the Persian restaurant.which one?the one on Main StreetHow long are you staying in London?I'm staying there for two days.Are you going by car?Yes, London's not very far from here.London isn't very far from here.Please give me fifty dollars.why?Because I need some money.Because I'm going to buy something.Then take my car.Take my car.I can't take your car.why?Because I'm going to take mine.I don't think your car has enough gas.Ali, I have to go to the supermarket.Can I take your car?sureWhat do you want to buy at the supermarket?I want to buy some food.and some coffee for youI don't drink coffee anymore.really?and tea?I still drink tea.You can buy some tea.Hi, Ali. How are you?Not bad, thanks.How far is it to Shiraz?It's sixty kilometers.It's thirty-seven miles.Excuse me. Where's the restroom?It's over there.It's over here.Excuse me. Which way is the mall?Go straight ahead.Then turn left.I can't turn left there.How long does Mina want to stay here?She's staying here for twenty days.And then she wants to go to Hamadan.Does she still live in Hamadan?not anymoreShe Lives in Tehran now.our houseOur house is three thousand square feet.It's two hundred fifty square meters.It's too big.for three people Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/amwzsh-zbn-nglysy-nsrt-bh-hmrh-mtn/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy