آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (36)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


I spoke with Ali.last nightWe want to see the museums.too many thingsOf course I drink tea!sometimesYou don't drink coffee, do you?Do you know Los Angeles?Ali just went to work.__________________Nice to meet you Mr. Smith.Did you come alone?No, my daughter's here, too.which one?my younger daughterMy older daughter lives here.since when?since last yearWhen did your wife arrive?last nightMy wife arrived last night.She arrived last night.last yearnightHow old is your daughter?She's seventeen.She's seventeen years old.How old is your son?He's fourteen.He's fourteen years old.He's younger than my daughter.My daughter is older than my son.My daughter's older than my son.How old are you?I'm fifty years old.I'm fifty.Do you live in Canada?Yes, I do.Do they speak English in Canada?A lot of people speak English there.But I spoke Persian there.I didn't know you're from Iran.We went to the mall.I know.I spoke with you this morning.You went with your grandchildren.And you bought a few things.Did you speak English with them?No, I spoke Persian with them.What did you buy at the mall?too many thingsI know.Children buy too many things.Yes, they bought too many things.Then we went to a museum.museummany thingsa lot of moneya lot of thingsWe saw a lot of things.When did you go to Iran?I went there last year.How long did you stay there?I stayed there a few weeks.Did you see your parents there?Of course I saw them!of courseDo you know my friend?which one?my friend Shahram.Of course I know him!You drink tea, don't you?You don't drink tea, do you?Of course I drink tea!_________________A: Farhad, did you speak with Ali this morning?B: Yes, I spoke with him but not this morning. This morning he went to Chicago to seesome of his friends.A: Then when did you speak with him?B: Last night.A: Is he still working at the mall?B: Not anymore. He has a new job now.A: Really?B: Yes, he's working at a museum now. Do you know his friend Shahram?A: No, I don't. Why?B: He works at the museum, too.A: Did he find a job for him?B: I'm not sure.A: Does Ali have any grandchildren?B: No, his sons are too young to have children.A: How old are they?B: His younger son is ten and the older one is sixteen.A: Okay, Farhad. I have to go home now. See you later.B: All right. Goodbye.__________________We want to see a few things in Los Angeles.We want to see the museums.What did you do yesterday?We went to a restaurant last night.Then we went to the mall.with your wife?Yes, we went together.Did you buy anything?I didn't buy anything.But my wife bought a few things.She bought too many things.Do you go to the mall every day?not every dayBut I sometimes go to the mall.What does sometimes mean?It means...I sometimes go to the mall.sometimesDo you like soda?I sometimes drink soda.I try to drink a lot of water.Water is good for you.Water's good for you.Do you like tea?I sometimes drink tea.and coffee?No, I don't like coffee.Can I borrow twenty dollars?Of course you can!I can give you more if you want.No, that's enough.But thanks anyway.________________nightlast nightspokespeakspokethingstoo many thingsmuseumof coursesometimestimetimessometimes_________A: Farzin, do you know Sacramento very well?B: Of course I do! Why?A: Where's the beach here?B: The beach? There aren't any beaches here.A: I think there are. I spoke with Leyla last night. She went to the beach last week.B: Where does Leyla live?A: She lives in San Francisco.B: I think you didn't understand her. There are many beaches in San Francisco but nothere in Sacramento.A: Have you been to San Francisco yet?B: Yes, I sometimes go there. Some of my friends live in San Francisco.A: How far is it from here?B: I'm not sure. I think it's one hundred forty miles.A: Can we go there today?B: I don't think we can go today, but we can go tomorrow.A: When tomorrow?B: We can go early in the morning if you want.A: You don't mean at five o'clock, do you?B: No, but we can go at eight.A: Okay. Can you wake me up at seven?B: Of course!___________Do you know Los Angeles?not very wellI've been there.But I don't know it very well.Where do you want to go?I saw Marjan last week.What did she say?She said.We can go to the San Jose today.Would you like to go, too?not todayBut I'd like to go there.I said, not today.maybe tomorrowI saw Mina this morning.What did she say?She said she wanted to go to England.I'm a little tired.You worked a lot today.Yes, but I'd like to go to a restaurant now.How old is your son?He's twenty-six years old.He's twenty-six.Is he home now?No, he just went to work.He just went to work.Did you speak with Shadi?Did you speak to her?Yes, I just spoke with her.I just bought a car.We sometimes speak English.Can you speak Persian, too?of courseOf course we can!You sometimes don't understand me.You sometimes speak too fast.I sometimes don't understand you. 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