آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (40)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (40)They're both Persian.I'm very busy.I walk to the mall.We can eat at my place.That's too bad.____________good eveningHow's it going?not bad, and you?greatThere's a good restaurant on Sunset Avenue.There's one on Washington Street, too.Have you seen it yet?not yetIs it an Italian restaurant?Yes, it is.I want to buy a newspaper.I always buy a newspaper in the mornings.Do you like newspapers, too?Yes, I do.I just bought one.What's your name?My name is Becky.Where would you like to go?I'd like to go to a coffee shop.which coffee shop?the coffee shop on Main StreetI never go there.We have to go to the city.Can we go now?No, I can't go now.why not?I have a lot of work.I'm very busy.Do you want to go with me?No, I can't.Because I'm very busy.Unfortunately I have a lot of work to do.Maybe we can go later.I don't have much time.My cousin is coming to visit.She's coming here.I never drink coffee.I always drink tea.Are you very busy at work?Yes, I am.but not alwaysI'm sometimes very busy.Do you like soda?I sometimes drink soda.I try to drink a lot of water.Water's good for you.Do you like tea?I sometimes drink tea.and coffee?I never drink coffee.Have you been to Canada yet?No, but I'm going there in a few weeks.I'm always busy.Are you going to stay at a hotel?I'm going to visit my cousin.He has a big house.which cousin?the older oneHave a nice trip.My parents are coming to visit.How long are they going to stay here?They're going to stay for a few weeks.Do you live alone?No, I live with my friend.His name is Nima.a Persian restauranta Persian nameNima is a Persian name.Is Nima a Persian name?Yes, it is.and Saman?Saman is a Persian name, too.They're both Persian names.bothCan I speak with Ali or Mina?I'm sorry. They're both at the mall.My cousin is coming to visit.last yearsince last yearI haven't seen him since last year.Where is he from?He's from Iran.and his wife?She's from Iran, too.They're both Persian.Can they speak English?No, they can't.unfortunately notThey're coming to visit us.Nice to see you again.Can we go to lunch together?No, I'm very busy.You speak English very well.How long have you been in the United States?since last yearI've been here since last year.________________________A: How's it going Mary?B: Not bad, Reza. And you?A: Very well. My cousin's coming to visit.B: Which cousin?A: The older one.B: When is he coming?A: He's coming in a few days.B: Is he coming alone?A: No, he's coming with his wife.B: What's his name?A: His name is Reza, too.B: Where are they from?A: They're both from Iran, but they live in Canada.B: Does Reza have a job?A: Yes, he works at the museum, and he's very busy.B: How long are they going to stay here?A: They're going to stay for a few weeks. I have a lot of work to do, and I don't knowwhat to do. But I'm not busy now. I think I have some time. When do you think we cango for lunch?B: We can go to a restaurant together. I know a good Italian restaurant on BandyAvenue. Have you gone there yet?A: Not yet. I have to work at the library everyday. Doing my job.B: This new library is on Ocean Street. Have you seen it yet?A: Yes, I saw it just last week.B: Okay. See you later.A: Goodbye.__________Do you have time for a cup of coffee?No, I'm very busy.Where did you go this morning?I went to the grocery store.Did you buy anything?Yes, I bought some rice.I can't find my book.Have you seen my book?I haven't seen it.I always go to Berkeley.I went to Berkeley last week.with my cousinWe went there last week.And we both bought something.Would you like to go to the mall?The mall's not very far from here.The mall isn't very far from here.I always walk to the mall.Can we go to the mall?Can we walk to the mall?Yes, we can walk.Do you know where Sunset Avenue is?Yes, it's not very far.You can walk there.I want to have dinner with my cousin.Who's your cousin?Who is she?She's from Iran.Her husband is American.They both live in New York.Her husband can't speak Persian well.He's always busy.What's his name?His name is John.The library is not far from here.We can walk.How do you go to work?I sometimes walk there.Where's Ali?I don't know.I haven't seen him.I haven't seen him since yesterday.Maybe he's busy.Maybe he has a lot of work.Where do you want to have dinner?at my placeWe can have a cup of tea.at your placeWe can have a cup of tea at your place.Where's your home?It's not very far from here.We can walk there.I just saw your cousin.where?at your placeWe both went to a coffee shop.I haven't seen him since last year.That's too bad.It's too bad we can't go together.It's too bad you can't come.That's too bad.I don't like to walk.That's too bad.Maybe we can go tomorrow.Okay. Then see you later._____________________busyI'm very busy.bothThey're both from Iran.walkwantwhat?walkplacepleaseplacebadtoo badThat's too bad. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/amwzsh-zbn-nglysy-nsrt-bh-hmrh-mtn/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy