آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (44)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (44)We're going to the movies.I'm planning to go to Canada.What's your plan for tomorrow?MondayThe movie starts at eight o'clock.___________________________Do you live here?Yes, I do.since when?I've lived here since last year.Do you like it here?Yes, I do.My father's coming to Los Angeles.When is he coming?on SundayI haven't seen him for six years.Where are you going?I'm going to the supermarket.I'm going to the movies.We're going to the movies.What time is it?It's ten after five.It's five ten.It's ten to five.Let's go to the movies.I'd rather go to a coffee shop._______________________A: Hi, Vahid. How are you?B: I'm fine, thanks.A: I'm going to Iran on Sunday.B: Really?A: Yes, I'm going to visit my father.B: How long does your trip take?A: I want to stay there for a few weeks.B: Are you going alone?A: No, my family is going with me. We haven't been there for a few years.B: What are you going to do this afternoon?A: I'm going to the movies. Would you like to go with me?B: No, thanks. I'd rather stay home. Some my friends are coming to visit me.A: Oh, really? Do I know them?B: I don't think so. They're not from here. They're coming from Washington. But wait, I think you know Shahram, don't you?A: Yes, I do. But he lives here in Los Angeles, doesn't he?B: Not anymore. He's in Washington now. He's lived there for two years.A: Okay. Do you need anything from Iran?B: No, thank you. Have a nice trip and say hi to your father for me.A: Sure. Goodbye.B: Goodbye.__________Is this letter for you?Yes, it's from Sarah.from whom?from my cousin SarahShe's planning to come here.My cousin is planning to come here.Ali has a lot of money.What does he want to do?with his moneyHe's planning to buy a house.Why does he want to buy a house?Because he has a big family.And his parents are living with him.have you seen my cousin Mina yet?Yes, I have.not yetYes, I've seen her at the library.Yes, I saw her in London last year.When is she arriving in Los Angeles?on Sunday at twenty after sixon Sunday at six twentyThat's too early.twenty after six in the afternoon, not in the morningsix twenty in the afternoon, not in the morningHow long is she going to stay here?She's planning to stay for three weeks here.What's your plan for tomorrow?What does the word plan mean?What does plan mean?It means ... .planyour houseyour planWhat's your plan for tomorrow?I'm planning to go to the movies.What are you doing on Saturday?I'm staying home.We can go to the movies if you want.why not?Is your husband going with us?No, he'd rather stay home.Are we going to the movies tonight?I never go to the movies on Saturdays.I sometimes go on Fridays.but never on SaturdaysI always go on Sundays.on SaturdaysI'd rather go to the mall.Today is Sunday.And tomorrow is Monday.What does the word Monday mean?What does Monday mean?It's the day after Sunday.MondayWhat's your plan for Monday?I'm going to Canada on Monday.Are you planning to go with your family?Yes, we're going together.Are you going to the movies?Yes, I am.The movie starts at eight o'clock.what time?What time does the movie start?It starts at five o'clock.It's nine twenty.It's nine thirty.The movie starts at seven thirty.How long does the movie take?I don't know.Ask Ali.What's your plan for tonight?We're going to the movies.There's a good movie tonight.There is a good movie tonight.When does it start?It starts at seven thirty.What are you going to do?after the moviesWe can have dinner.where?I know a good restaurant.Can we go to a coffee shop?when?after the moviessureIs this your car?which one?the black oneNo, that's my wife's car.____________________planpleaseplateplanplanningstartstaystartstartsThe movie starts at seven.afterfatherratherfatherrather_____I'd like to buy that shirt.which one?the red onethe white onethe yellow onethe blue oneWe're going to Iran on Monday.Do you work on Sundays?I never work on Sundays.But I usually work on Saturdays.Do you still have your car?Yes, I still have it.No, I don't have it anymore.______________________A: Hi, Ali. How are you?B: I'm fine, thanks. How are you?A: Fine, thank you. Ali, what's your plan for tonight?B: I think I'm staying home. Why?A: Would you like to go to the movies with us?B: When? Tonight?A: Yes, we're going at nine thirty.B: Nine thirty is too late for me. How long does the movie take?A: I don't know.B: I'd rather stay home. I'm a little tired, and I have to work tomorrow.A: What time do you get up tomorrow?B: Early in the morning. My work starts at seven.A: Okay, then. Would you like to come to our place tomorrow?B: I don't think so.A: Why not?B: I'm planning to visit my father tomorrow. Maybe I can come to your place onMonday night.A: All right, Ali. Goodbye.B: Goodbye.__________Where's the kitchen?I need a few plates.I haven't seen this movie yet.But I've seen it.But I have seen it.Let's go home.Let's go to the movies.gas stationbus stationExcuse me. Where's the bus station?It's over there.There's a bus station on Sunset Avenue.Thanks a lot.You're welcome. 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