آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (46)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (46)My father's arriving on Tuesday.Do you take sugar with your tea?Let me buy it for you.I'm not on vacation.I'm taking a vacation tomorrow.Augustin SeptemberJanuaryLet's go to my office.Let him go.__________Let's drink some tea.Do you have sugar?No, I don't.Then let's go to my place.Can we go to the movies after that?why not?Do you know when the movie starts?The movie starts at seven thirty.Can we have a cup of tea first?Let's drink tea after the movie.It's five twenty-five right now.We still have time.Let's go to my place.when?right nowWhat time is it?It's eight forty-five.It's twelve thirty.Is your father arriving on Monday?not on Mondaythen when?My father is arriving on Tuesday.He's arriving on Tuesday.Is it Monday today?No, it's Tuesday.Let's go to my office._________________A: Excuse me. What time is it?B: It's seven twenty.A: Thanks.B: Are you waiting for Ali?A: Yes. Is he in his office?B: I'm sorry. He's not in his office right now. Can you wait here for a few minutes?A: Sure.B: Would you like a cup of coffee?A: Yes, please. With sugar.______________________Are you busy?Do you have time?a few minutesDo you have a few minutes?Yes, I do.What can I do for you?How would you like your tea?with sugarI take it with sugar.Do you take sugar with your tea?Yes, I take sugar with my tea.Do you have sugar cubes?Yes, we do.Of course we do.Can you give me some cake?Sure, here you are.Let me give you a fork.Let me eat my lunch.Let me buy this shirt.for youLet me buy this shirt for you.Let me buy it for you.Let's buy it.Ali's father.Let me speak with Ali's father.Do you have enough money?No, I don't.Then let me give you some money.Let me eat my dinner first.I usually drink my coffee with sugar.I sometimes take a little sugar.Let's go to the grocery store.What do you need?I want to buy some sugar cubes.Mina, where are the spoons?They're in the kitchen.and the knives?They're there, too.I can't find them.Let me find them for you.Thanks, Mina.How many spoons do you need?I just need one.Do you want a fork, too?No, there's one here.I have a lot of work.I'm not on vacation.Are you on vacation?No, I'm not.Where's Ali?Ali's on vacation this week.I'm taking a vacation tomorrow.Are you planning to take a vacation?Yes, I'm going to take a vacation.in a few weeksAre you on vacation?Are you on vacation on Monday?Yes, I am.When are you going to go to Los Angeles?When are you going to take a vacation?When are you planning to take a vacation?When are you going on vacation?in AugustAli's parentsAli's parents are in Iran.When are Ali's parents coming to Los Angeles?They're coming in August.They're coming in September.We're in August now.September is after August.I'm not going to go on vacation.until SeptemberI'm very busy right now.I don't have time.I don't have time to go on vacation.I don't have time to take a vacation.Are going on vacation in September?No, I'm going on vacation in JanuaryWhat does the word January mean?What does January mean?It means ... .JanuaryI'm taking a vacation in January.I'm going to Iran.When does the movie start?When does your vacation start?in a few weeksin Augustin Septemberin JanuaryDoes Ali work here?Yes. Would you like to see him?Yes, please. Where's his office?Go straight ahead.His office is on your right.Ali's office is on your right.Did you find it?Did you find Ali's office?Yes, I did.not yet______TuesdayofficevacationI'm on vacation.I'm taking a vacation.Augustin AugustSeptemberin SeptemberJanuaryin January________A: Mike, my wife and I are going on vacation in August.B: Really?A: Yes. When are you going on vacation?B: I'm planning to take my vacation in September.A: Where are you going?B: We're going to Iran. What's your plan?A: We're planning to visit my parents.B: Where do they live?A: They live in Atlanta Georgia.B: Are you going by car?A: No, Atlanta is too far from here. Mike, did you see Mina yesterday?B: Yes, I did. I saw her in her office. She's very busy right now.A: I know. I spoke with her on Monday. She's going on vacation in January.B: Good for her.A: Yes. Are you working tomorrow, Mike?B: Yes, I am.A: Can you come to my office tomorrow?B: Sure. At what time?A: At eleven thirty.B: Okay. Then see you tomorrow in your office. Goodbye.A: Goodbye. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/amwzsh-zbn-nglysy-nsrt-bh-hmrh-mtn/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy