آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (53)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (53)I want to read a book.What's your home address?It's the right address.My son is a doctor.at a pharmacyI tried a few times._______________I have to call my mother.Do you have her number?Yes, I do.She's moving to Shiraz.I haven't seen my mother for a year.And I haven't seen my father for two years.Did he move to Kerman?Yes, he moved there last year.He moved there last year.He lives there with his best friend.Do you have any sugar cubes?No, but I have sugar.I need a cup.and some hot waterWhere are the spoons?They're in the top drawer.Did you find them?I don't see them.Then they're in the bottom drawer.When did you go to Iran last time?When was the last time?That you went to Iran?I was there last week.Was it cold there?Yes, it was.Did you see your friends?Yes, but I didn't see my best friend.I didn't see Ali.He wasn't in Tehran anymore.He has moved to London.He's moved to London.That's interesting.Do you know where the post office is?It's over there on Main Street.after the libraryThanks a lot.I have to buy a few stamps.______________________A: Hi, Susan. How are you?B: I'm okay. Do you know where the post office is? I have to buy a few stamps.A: Go straight ahead. It's on the left.B: Thanks a lot. How's your family?A: They're fine. My daughter's in college now.B: That's interesting. How old is she?A: She is nineteen years old.B: You have a nineteen old daughter?A: Yes, I do. Susan, you don't have to go to the post office to buy stamps. You can buythem at the grocery store.B: I know, but I have a letter for Iran. It's to Sarah.A: To whom?B: To my best friend Sarah.A: Why don't you call her?B: Because I don't have her new number. I have her old number.A: Okay. See you later.B: Take care.___________I want to go home.Why do you want to go home?I want to read a book.I want to read the newspaper.Then let's go to a gas station.We can buy a newspaper there.And you can read it at home.What's your home address?What's your address?Here's my address.Can you read it?Yes, I can.Is this your home address?Yes, it is.It's the right address.Do you have the right address?Yes, but I can't read it.Is it your home address?Yes, it is.What's your number?I have your old number.It's not the right number.What's your new number?Here you are.Here it is.Can you read it?Can I read it?Did you buy a new house?Yes, I did.What's your new address?Can you read Persian?No, I can't.I can only read English.Do you have any children?Yes, I do.How many children do you have?I have two children.What do they do?My daughter's in college.My daughter is in college.And my son is a doctor.My son is a doctor.My son's a doctor.Really? How old is he?He's twenty nine years old.Our son has an interesting job.Really? My wife was a doctor, too.But her job wasn't very interesting.She used to work.at a pharmacyMy wife was a doctor.And she used to work at a pharmacy.But her job wasn't very interesting.I have a letter.Where is it going?It's going to Iran.Then you need three stamps.I can't read the address.Because it's Persian.Okay. Then they can read it in Iran.How much do I owe you?a dollarYou owe me a dollar.I can't find my wallet.I have to call my wife.The number's busy.The number is busy.Is this the right number?Yes, it was busy last time, too.Try again.a few minutesa few timesI tried a few times.Let me try it again.I tried it again.But the number is still busy.I want to buy a new car.How much is insurance for a new car?This is an insurance company.but not for car insuranceIt's for home insurance.insurance companyphone company_____________readreadingI'm reading a book.addressthe right addressdoctorpharmacytriedtrytriedI tried to call you yesterday._______________________The number is still busy.I tried a few times.Then maybe it's the phones company.Maybe you have to call them.How many children do you have?I have a son.He lives with his best friend in Los Angeles.What does he do in Los Angeles?He works for a phone company.He tried to come here yesterday.I tried to call him this morning.But he wasn't home.He has an interesting job.Can you give me the doctor's number?My wife needs a doctor.What did she eat today?She didn't eat anything.Here's the doctor's address.Can you read it?Yes, I can read it.There's a Pharmacy on the next Street.Is it open?I'm not sure.Can we walk?I tried to walk last night.But it was too far.I tried to walk last night, but it was too far.What's their address?Here's the pharmacy's address.Is it the right address?Wait that's my new address.Let my give you the doctor's number.Thanks a lot.You're welcome.See you later. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/amwzsh-zbn-nglysy-nsrt-bh-hmrh-mtn/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy