آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (8)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


supermarketI want to buy a car.your carWhere's your house?I have a car.Do you have tea?We don't have a house.Is your son home?butbut not todayWe have three cars.We have four sons.Excuse me, sir. Where is the mall?Excuse me, ma'am. Are you from Iran?_______________________________It's very far.It's not very far.Do you want to drink something?No, thanks.No, thank you. I'm fine.Yes, please.Yes, some Coke, please.or some Pepsione Coketwo PepsisI want to drink some soda.me tooa restauranta Persian restaurantthe Persian restaurantThe Persian restaurant is very far.The Persian restaurant's very far.from hereThe Persian restaurant is very far from here.We're at the restaurant now.Where are you?We're at a restaurant, too.I don't want to drink anything.two Pepsis, pleaseI know a Persian restaurant.Where's the Persian restaurant?Where is it?It's not very far from here.two coffeestwo restaurantsI know two Persian restaurants.Do you live in Iran?Yes, I live there.What do you do there?I have a restaurant.I have.You have.Do you speak English?Do you have tea?Yes, I have some tea.We have some tea.Can we go to the mall?not todayYes, but not today.but not todaybutnot nowbut not nowI want to drink something.but not coffeeDo you want Pepsi or Coke?I want two Pepsis and one Coke.I want to buy some tea.Where do you want to buy some tea?at a supermarketI'm going to the supermarket now.storemallThe supermarket is very far.But you have a car.cara cartwo Pepsistwo carsWe have two cars.But you have one car.Do you have a car?Yes, I have a car.I have a house, too.houseI have one house and two cars.We have a house.Do you have a house?Yes, I have a house.Where's your house?your houseyour carWhere's Farhad?Where's your car?It's there.Your house is here.Is your house here?No, it's not here.Yes, it's here.Is it here or there?It's not here.I want to buy a car.but not nowWe don't want.We don't want to buy a house.We don't want to buy a house now.Shadi, where's your house?It's there.I want to drink something.What do you want to drink?What do you want to have?tea or coffee?I'm fine.Tea's fine.Do you want coffee or tea?Coffee's fine.I want to go to the supermarket.when?todayWe want to go to Florida today.to Iranto a supermarketWhat do you want to do?I want to go to a restaurant.where?to a restaurantto a Persian restaurantI want to buy something at a supermarket.Where do you buy your tea?at a supermarketWhere are you from?Where do you buy tea from?from the storeat the storeCan I buy something, too?No, you can't.Yes, you can.___________A: Jim, what do you want to drink?B: I don't know. What do you have?A: I have tea, coffee, and Coke.B: Tea's fine, but coffee's better. I want some coffee.A: Jim, when do you want to buy a car?B: I don't know.A: Where's your house? Is your house very far from here?B: No, it's not very far from here. Sarah, do you know Mina?A: Yes, I know Mina.B: Where's Mina from?A: I think Mina's from Iran.B: I want to go to a supermarket now. I want to buy something.A: Are you going now?B: Yes, I'm going now. Thank you, Sarah.A: You're welcome Jim. Goodbye.B: Goodbye, Sarah.________________We have a house in Iran.Do you have a car, too?We have three cars.threethree carsWe have three cars.But you have two cars.threefouronetwothreefourI have four sons.sonyour sonWe have three sons.But we have one son.Where's your son?Is your son home?I don't know.Where's the mall?excuse meExcuse me. Where's the mall?The mall's there.The mall is there.thank youYou're welcome.Excuse me. Where are you from?Excuse me. Are you from Iran?No, I'm not from Iran.Excuse me. Are you Omid?No, I'm Ali.Is Omid home?No, Omid's not home.sirHello, sir.Excuse me, sir.Is the Persian restaurant here?Excuse me, sir. Is the Persian restaurant here?I don't know.Yes, it's here.No, it's there.ma'amNo, ma'am.Hello, ma'am.Excuse me, ma'am. Are you from Canada?No, sir. I'm from Iran.me too______butWe have.Hello, sir.Hello, ma'am.excuse methreefour___I have three sons.your sonsDo your sons live in Iran?Do you want to go to a supermarket?Yes, but not now.but not todayDo you want to drink something?No, I don't want anything. Thanks.Yes, some tea, please.or some coffeeI have some Coke, too.Tea's fine.Where's your house?It's far.It's not far.The supermarket is not far from here.I think it's very far.I don't want to drink anything now.threefourDo you have a car?No, I don't have a car. And you?We have two cars. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/amwzsh-zbn-nglysy-nsrt-bh-hmrh-mtn/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy