آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (86)

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English - Podcast tekijän mukaan مرتضی نصرت - Lauantaisin


آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت (86)I took the highway.I finished fixing my car.What time did the meeting finish?I want to open a checking account.We need an ID card.Can I see your ID?Do you want to open a savings account?Show me your driver's license.You have to sign it.Sign here, please.This is my signature._________________Are you going to Tehran for vacation?No, it's a business trip.Where's my luggage?Don't worry it's in the car.What date is it today?What's the date today?I don't know.What's my gate number?Your gate number is twenty-five.How do I get there?I'm going there.I'll take you there.My sister wants to spend a week here.How was the meeting?The meeting went very well.Why didn't you come?I was at the airport.What were you doing there?last weekWhen my sister arrived in Los AngelesWhen my sister got to Los Angeles.She couldn't find her luggage.I talked to some people working there.Her luggage will come on the next flight.That's why I went to the airport.That's why I couldn't go to the meeting.I tried to be at the meeting.But there was a lot of traffic.specially near the airportI took the highway.The highway was busy, too.I tried to change the highway.But all the highways were busy.When I got home.When I arrived home.It was eleven o'clock.And I was very hungry.I was tired, too.What time did the meeting finish?It finished at twelve o'clock.I finished fixing my car.I finished writing the letter.Do you want to take the highway?No, I don't.longsmallsmallerlongerIt will take longer.It'll take longer.If you don't take the highway.There isn't much traffic on weekends.Why are you going to the bank?I want to deposit some money.But you don't have an account.I want to open a checking account.Then I can deposit.some money to my checking accountWhat do I need to open an account?You need an ID card.IDYou need two IDs.You need two ID cards.You can't open a checking account.without an IDTake your driver's license.and another IDWhat kind of ID?an ID with a pictureCan I see your passport?of courseYou have a checking account with us.Do you want to open a savings account?What does savings account mean?What is the meaning of savings account?It means ... .savings accountDo you want to open a savings account?Yes, I do.No, I don't.checking account______________A: Hello, ma'am. I'd like to open an account.B: Okay. Have a seat, please.A: Thank you.B: Do you have any ID with you?A: Yes, here you are.B: You have to have two pieces of ID to open an account.A: I'm sorry, that's the only ID card I have.B: Don't you have your passport with you?A: Yes, I do.B: Can I see it, please?A: Of course.B: What's your address?A: My address is the same as it as on my ID.B: Would you like to have a check card, too?A: What is a check card? Is that a credit card?B: No, a check card is a little different. You can use it instead of writing a check, butyou have to have money in your account.A: I see. Then I'd like to have one.B: Would you like to open a savings account, too?A: I don't know. Do I have to deposit some money to my savings account everymonth?B: Well, we can transfer some money from your checking account to your savingsaccount every month if you'd like to. You don't need to come here every month.A: Let me please open a checking account first. Maybe I'll open a savings accountlater.B: Sure, here's your passport. Would you like to have your picture on your checkcard?A: Yes, please.B: Okay. We'll take pictures over there.A: Excuse me. How long does it take until I get my check card?B: It shouldn't take longer than a week. We'll send it to you as soon as it's ready.A: That's great.B: Let's go over there to take your picture.__________________________________Did you open an account?Yes, I did.what kind of account?a checking account or a savings account?I opened both.Did you get a check card, too?not yetThey'll send it to me.They took my picture.Why did they take your picture?My picture will be on my card.Nobody can use my card.If my picture is on my card.rememberDon't forget.When you get your card.You have to sign it.I have to sign my card?You have to sign the back of your card.When you buy something.And you want to use your card.You have to sign something.They look at the signature on your card.What's the meaning of the word signature?What does signature mean?It means ... .signatureThey look at the signature on your card.Both signatures have to be the same.______________________________wayhighwaydriver's licensesignature________I took a lot of pictures.When I was in Iran.How much did you spend in Iran?I didn't spend much.Sign here, please.Please sign here.And write the date here.Let me change my jacket.I like your jackets.specially the black oneHow did the meeting go?It went very well.Let me finish my work.Where's Ali?He's on a business trip.Can you take my picture?I took your picture yesterday.Is this your signature?Yes, it is.Did you sign the letter?I signed it.Can you take it to the post office?Yes, but let me finish my work first. 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