Yevamot 60 - May 6, 5 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast tekijän mukaan Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 60 This month's learning is sponsored by Bracha Rutner in loving memory of her mother, Anna Rutner, Sarah bat Yom Tov and Rachel, on her 5th yahrzeit. “She came to the US at a young age. She raised four children and was one of the most curious people who really cared about others and prioritized family.” This month’s learning is sponsored by Yad Binyamin ladies for the refuah shleima of Asher ben Devorah Fayga.  Today’s daf is sponsored by Belinda Kreike in loving memory of her father, Jeffrey Rhodes, Yehuda Yiddel Ben Chaim Yerachmiel on his 53rd yahrzeit. “He died in 1969 as a young husband of Madalaine and father of Belinda. He never saw the legacy he left of his daughters and grandchildren Jonah, Noah and Dalia Kreike.” Today’s daf is dedicated in memory of those murdered yesterday in a terrorist attack in Elad, Israel - Oren ben Yiftach, Yonatan Havakuk, and Boaz Gol - and for a refuah shleima for those injured.  What is the root of the debate between Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov regarding the status of a child born from a kohen gadol who marries a woman who was raped or seduced by someone else? Two suggestions are brought and one is rejected. After discussing the different opinions defining a "betula" who a kohen gadol is permitted to marry, the Gemara brings a debate regarding the definition of a betula in the context of a kohen who can become impure to his sister when she dies, only if she is a betula. Is it the same or different as for who the kohen gadol can marry? What are the different opinions and from where are their opinions derived? Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai permits a kohen to marry a woman who converted under the age of three years and a day. On what basis? Do we hold like him or not? 

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