Difference Between Blues Scales - Warren Wolf | 2 Minute Jazz

2 Minute Jazz


Hey, this is Warren wolf for two minute jazz and I'm here to talk about differences between using the major blue scale and the real blue scale.


So, what you're hearing is basically the first one. You're hearing like a F pentatonic scale but you can always make it a little bit bluesier it just takes the third the A and drop it down to A flat.

Then go to the third, the fifth to the sixth or 13th back to the root. But the one I like to do, we take the root take the third drop it half step the fourth, the eleventh. now here's the sharp eleven. Five, flat seven back to the root. So you have a choice to use between that one, what a regular blues scale and after that you know that's when you start using different rhythms.

So here's one course of blues using the first example I gave you.

One, two, a one, two, three.

And here's one more course using: one, two, a one, two, three.


And here's one more course just combining the two so you can really get that true blues effect. One two, one two three.


Check out Warren's Improvisation for All at Open Studio: https://www.openstudionetwork.com/project/ifa-overview/