HPQ An Emerging Low Cost Silicon Metal Producer Goes Beyond The Presentation

AGORACOM Small Cap CEO Interviews - Podcast tekijän mukaan AGORACOM


HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. is a TSX-V listed company  developing, in collaboration with industry leader PyroGenesis (TSX-V:  PYR) the innovative PUREVAPTM “Quartz Reduction Reactors” (QRR), a truly 2.0 Carbothermic process (patent pending), which will permit the transformation and purification of quartz (SiO2) into Metallurgical Grade Silicon (Mg-Si) at prices that will propagate its significant renewable energy potential.

HPQ is also working with industry leader Apollon Solar to develop:

  1. Porous silicon wafers manufacturing using PUREVAP™ Silicon (PVAP Si) that can be used as anode for solid-state Li-ion batteries; and
  2. A metallurgical pathway of producing Solar Grade Silicon Metal (SoG Si) that will take full advantage of the PUREVAPTM QRR one-step production of high purity silicon (Si) and significantly  reduce the Capex and Opex associated with the transformation of quartz  (SiO2) into SoG-Si.

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