#39 - Chad Fowler // CTO, Musician, Author and VC
alphalist.CTO Podcast - For CTOs and Technical Leaders - Podcast tekijän mukaan Tobias Schlottke - alphalist CTO Podcast - Torstaisin

Chad Fowler - an engineer, musician, and author - transformed Wunderlist 📋 from a messy monolith to a neat multi-language microservice. Be inspired by his unique view on technology stemming from his background as a musician 🎵 and RPG player 🎮. Open your mind 🤯and prepare to reevaluate 🤔after you hear from this creative thinker who -in the course of his 25-year career - has worked as both a coder and manager at both startups and enterprise companies in the US 🇺🇸, EU 🇪🇺 and India 🇮🇳. Listen to find out: - Why we should rethink how computer science is taught 🎓 to get better coders 🧑💻 - Why and how he used multiple languages in his microservice architecture 🖇️ - Why startups 🚀should wait before adopting a named methodology (e.g. Agile, scrum, kanban, OKR) - Unique applications of concepts touted in the decentralized Web 3️.0 🔮 Listen here - https://alphalist.com/podcast/39-chad-fowler-cto-musician-author-and-vc