Want to buy a signed copy of my book? Click here: http://bit.ly/2xF2YCW Today's vlog was more of a apartment tour, I show you my new apartment! (WOHO now it's ours !!!) I know it doesn't look great right now, but imagine how preeeetty it will be! Do you want me to bring you in on moving-vlogs, so that you can be there when we choose all the interior and allows you to be involved in the renovation process or do you only wanna see the final result later in December when we move in? In addition to checking out the new apartment I was at Bonniers book store and signed my books, ate pizza and watched Temptation Island. Haha, that was all that I had time with today. Speaking of which - what do I do with this week, do you think? Should I add some vlogs to the end of the vlogmonth instead of publishing three bad vlogs this week? That's what I think, but I want to hear what you think! Thank you for watching today, we'll see you again tomorrow! XO ♡ Find me on the internet: ♡ Instagram: @thereselindgren Snapchat: Youtube Therese Twitter: @thereselindgren My podcast: Therese & Zätas podcast (there pods are) 👇Leave a comment and tell me what you thought of the episode! 👇