Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed, Advanced Ovarian Cancer Guideline Update
ASCO Guidelines - Podcast tekijän mukaan American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard and Dr. Bill Tew share updates to the evidence-based guideline on neoadjuvant chemotherapy for newly diagnosed, advanced ovarian cancer. They highlight recommendations across ten clinical questions, addressing initial assessment, primary cytoreductive surgery, neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT), tests and/or procedures that should be completed before NACT, preferred chemotherapy regimens, timing of interval cytoreductive surgery (ICS), hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC), post ICS-chemotherapy, maintenance therapy, and options for those without a clinical response to NACT. They highlight the evidence supporting these recommendations and emphasize the importance of this guideline for clinicians and patients. Read the full guideline update, “Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed, Advanced Ovarian Cancer: ASCO Guideline Update” at" TRANSCRIPT This guideline, clinical tools, and resources are available at Read the full text of the guideline and review authors’ disclosures of potential conflicts of interest in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Brittany Harvey: Hello and welcome to the ASCO Guidelines podcast, one of ASCO's podcasts delivering timely information to keep you up to date on the latest changes, challenges and advances in oncology. You can find all the shows, including this one at My name is Brittany Harvey and today I'm interviewing Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard from Johns Hopkins University and Dr. Bill Tew from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, co-chairs on “Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed, Advanced Ovarian Cancer: ASCO Guideline Update.” Thank you for being here today, Dr. Gaillard and Dr. Tew. Dr. Bill Tew: Thank you for having us. Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: Yeah, thank you. It's great to be here. Brittany Harvey: Great. Then, before we discuss this guideline, I'd like to note that ASCO takes great care in the development of its guidelines and ensuring that the ASCO Conflict of Interest policy is followed for each guideline. The disclosures of potential conflicts of interest for the guideline panel, including Dr. Gaillard and Dr. Tew, who have joined us here today, are available online with the publication of the guideline in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, which is linked in the show notes. So then to dive into the content here, first, Dr. Tew, could you describe what prompted this update to the neoadjuvant chemotherapy for ovarian cancer guideline? And what is the scope of this update? Dr. Bill Tew: Yeah. It's been almost a decade since ASCO first published its neoadjuvant chemotherapy guidelines for women with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer, and over that 10-year period, there's really been a major shift in how oncologists treat patients in the U.S. If you look at the National Cancer Database, between 2010 and 2021, the proportion of patients with advanced ovarian cancer who underwent primary surgery fell from about 70% to about 37%. And there's been a doubling in the amount of neoadjuvant chemotherapy used. So we wanted to take a look at that and really both highlight the appropriate patient populations for primary surgery versus new adjuvant chemotherapy, as well as review any studies that have been published since then. There's been, I think, about 61 trials published, nine randomized trials alone in the last 10 years. And the scope of the guideline was really not only the neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgical questions, but also to touch upon some new treatments that have come to the forefront in newly diagnosed ovarian cancer, including heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy or HIPEC, as well as the integration of maintenance therapy, particularly bevacizumab and PARP inhibitors. Brittany Harvey: Understood. That's a large amount of new evidence to review in this Update. Then, next, Dr. Gaillard, I'd like to review the key recommendations across the 10 clinical questions that the guideline addressed. So, starting with: What is recommended regarding initial assessment for patients with newly diagnosed pelvic masses and/or upper abdominal or peritoneal disease? Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: Sure. So in talking about the first guidelines, the first one that we addressed was how to do the initial assessment for these patients. And first, and probably most critically, it's important to recognize that these patients really should be evaluated by a gynecologic oncologist prior to initiation of any therapy, whether that means a primary cytoreductive surgery or neoadjuvant chemotherapy, because really, they are the best ones to determine the pathway that the patient should take. The initial assessment should involve a CA-125, a CT of the abdomen and pelvis with oral and IV contrast, if not contraindicated, and then also chest imaging, in which a CT is really the preferred modality. And that helps to evaluate the extent of disease and the feasibility of the surgical resection. Now, there may be some other tools that could be helpful to also refine this assessment. So, for example, a laparoscopy can really help to determine the feasibility of surgical resection as well as the extent of disease. Further imaging, such as diffusion-weighted MRI or FDG-PET scans can be helpful, as well as ultrasounds. And then also an endometrial biopsy. And that was newly added because there really has been a divergence of treatment for endometrial cancer versus ovarian cancer. And so it's really important to determine upfront where the source of the disease is coming from. Brittany Harvey: I appreciate you describing those recommendations surrounding initial assessment. So following this assessment, Dr. Tew, which patients with newly diagnosed advanced epithelial ovarian cancer should be recommended primary cytoreductive surgery? Dr. Bill Tew: The key thing here is if the GYN oncology surgeon feels that they have a high likelihood of achieving a complete cytoreduction with acceptable morbidity, the panel overwhelmingly agrees that primary cytoreduction surgery should be recommended over chemotherapy. And we know that surgery is really the cornerstone to achieving clinical remission. And our concern is that neoadjuvant chemotherapy may be overused in this fit population. Sometimes it is challenging to determine truly if a patient has a high likelihood of complete cytoreduction or what is acceptable morbidity. But an evaluation with performance status, fitness, looking at age or frailty, nutritional status, as well as a review of imaging studies to plan and determine for who is the right patient for primary surgery is key. Brittany Harvey: And then the title of this guideline, Dr. Gaillard, for which patients is neoadjuvant chemotherapy recommended? Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: Yeah. So there's really two patient populations that we think are best suited to receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Those may be patients who are fit for a primary cytoreductive surgery, but they're unlikely to have a complete cytoreduction if they were to go to surgery directly. And so that's where neoadjuvant chemotherapy can be very helpful in terms of increasing the ability to obtain a complete cytoreduction. The second population is those who are newly diagnosed who have a high perioperative risk, and so they're not fit to go to surgery directly. And so it may be better to start with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and then do an interval cytoreductive surgery. Again, I just want to emphasize the importance of including a gynecologic oncologist when making these determinations for patients. Brittany Harvey: Absolutely. So then the next clinical question. Dr. Tew, for those patients with newly diagnosed stage 3 to 4 epithelial ovarian cancer, what tests and or procedures are recommended before neoadjuvant chemotherapy is delivered? Dr. Bill Tew: The key test is to confirm the proper diagnosis, and that requires histological confirmation with a core biopsy. And this was a point the panel strongly emphasized, which is a core biopsy is a much better diagnostic tool compared to cytology alone. But there will be cases, exceptional cases, where a core biopsy cannot be performed. And in those settings, cytology combined with serum CA-125 and CEA is acceptable to exclude a non-gynecologic cancer. The other reason why cord biopsy is strongly preferred is because we already need to start thinking about germline and somatic testing for BRCA1 and 2. This information is important as we start to think about maintenance strategies for our patients. And so having that information early can help tailor the first-line chemotherapy regimen. Brittany Harvey: So then you've described who should be receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy, but Dr. Gaillard, for those who are receiving neoadjuvant chemo, what is the preferred chemotherapy regimen? And then what does the expert panel recommend regarding timing of interval cytoreductive surgery? Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: Sure. So for neoadjuvant chemotherapy, we generally recommend a platinum taxane doublet. This is especially important for patients with high grade serous or endometrioid ovarian cancers, and that's really because this is what the studies had used in the neoadjuvant trials. We recognize, however, that sometimes there are individual patient factors, such as advanced age or frailty, or certain disease factors such as the stage or rare histology that may shift what is used in terms of chemotherapy, but the recommendation is to try to stick as much as possible to the platinum taxane doublet. And then in terms of the timing of interval cytoreductive surgery, this was something that the panel discussed quite a bit and really felt that it should be performed after four or fewer cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, especially in patients who've had a response to chemotherapy or stable disease. Sometimes alternative timing of surgery can be considered based on some patient centered factors, but those really haven't been prospectively evaluated. The studies that looked at neoadjuvant chemotherapy usually did the interval cytoreductive surgery after three or four cycles of chemotherapy. Brittany Harvey: For those patients who are receiving interval cytoreductive surgery, Dr. Tew, earlier in the podcast episode, you mentioned a new therapy. What is recommended regarding hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy? Dr. Bill Tew: Yeah, or simply HIPEC as everyone refers to it. You know, HIPEC isn't really a new therapy. HIPEC is a one-time perfusion of cisplatin, which is a chemotherapy that has been a standard treatment for ovarian cancer for decades. But the chemotherapy is heated and used as a wash during the interval cytoreductive surgery. And since our last guideline, there has been a publication of a randomized trial that looked at the use of HIPEC in this setting. And in that study there was improved disease-free and overall survival among the patients that underwent HIPEC versus those that did not. So we wanted to at least emphasize this data. But we also wanted to recognize that HIPEC may not be available at all sites. It's resource-intensive. It requires a patient to be medically fit for it, particularly renal function and performance status. And so it's something that could be discussed with the patient as an option in the interval cytoreductive surgery. One other point, the use of HIPEC during primary surgery or later lines of therapy still is unknown. And the other point is this HIPEC trial came prior to the introduction of maintenance PARP inhibitors. So there's still a lot of unknowns, but it is a reasonable option to discuss with appropriate patients. Brittany Harvey: I appreciate you reviewing that data and what that updated recommendation is from the panel. So then, Dr. Gaillard, after patients have received neoadjuvant chemotherapy and interval cytoreductive surgery, what is the post ICS chemotherapy recommended? Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: The panel recommends some post ICS chemotherapy, as you mentioned. This is typically to continue the same chemotherapy that was done as neoadjuvant chemotherapy and so preferably platinum and taxane. And typically we recommend a total of six cycles of treatment, although the exact number of cycles that is given post-surgery can be adjusted based on different patient factors and their response to treatment. Importantly, also, timing is a factor, and we recommend that postoperative chemotherapy begin within four to six weeks after surgery, if at all feasible. Brittany Harvey: Absolutely. Those timing recommendations are key as well. So then, Dr. Tew, you mentioned this briefly earlier, but what is the role of maintenance therapy? Dr. Bill Tew: Maintenance therapy could be a full podcast plus of discussion, and it's complicated, but we did want to include it in this guideline in part because the determination of whether to continue treatment after completion of surgery and platinum based therapy is key as one is delivering care in the upfront setting. So first off, when we say maintenance therapy, we are typically referring to PARP inhibitors or bevacizumab. And I would refer listeners to the “ASCO PARP Inhibitor Guideline” that was updated about two years ago, as well as look at the FDA-approved label indications. But in general, PARP inhibitors, whether it's olaparib or niraparib, single agent or olaparib with bevacizumab, are standard treatments as maintenance, particularly in those patients with a germline or somatic BRCA mutation or those with an HRD score positive. And so it's really important that we emphasize germline and somatic BRCA testing for all patients with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer so that one can prepare for the use of maintenance therapy or not. And the other point is, as far as bevacizumab, bevacizumab is typically initiated during the chemotherapy section of first-line treatment. And in the guidelines we gave specific recommendations as far as when to start bevacizumab and in what patient population. Brittany Harvey: Great. Yes. And the PARP inhibitors guideline you mentioned is available on the ASCO guidelines website and we can provide a link in the show notes for our listeners. So then, the last clinical question, Dr. Gaillard, what treatment options are available for patients without a clinical response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy? Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: Yeah, this is a tough situation. And so it's important to remember that ovarian cancer typically does respond to chemotherapy initially. And so it's unusual to have progressive disease to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. So it's really important that if someone has progressive disease that we question whether we really have the right diagnosis. And so it's important to, I think at that point, obtain another biopsy and make sure that we know what we're really dealing with. In addition, this is where Dr. Tew mentioned getting the molecular profiling and genetic testing early in the course of disease. If that hasn't been done at this point in time, it's worth doing that in this setting so that that can also potentially help guide options for patients. And patients who are in those situations, really, the options are other chemotherapy regimens, clinical trials may be an option, or in some situations, if they have really rapidly progressing disease that isn't amenable to further therapy, then initiation of end-of-life care would be appropriate. Brittany Harvey: I appreciate you both for reviewing all of these recommendations and options for patients with advanced ovarian cancer. So then to wrap us up, in your view, what is both the importance of this guideline update and how will it impact clinicians and patients with advanced ovarian cancer? Dr. Bill Tew: Well, first off, I'm very proud of this guideline and the panel that I work with and Dr. Gaillard, my co-chair. The guideline really pulls together nicely all the evidence in a simple format for oncologists to generate a plan and determine what's the best step for patients. The treatment of ovarian cancer, newly diagnosed, is really a team approach - surgeons, medical oncologists, and sometimes even general gynecologists - and understanding the data is key, as well as the advances in maintenance therapy and HIPEC. Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: For my part, I'd say we hope that the update really provides physicians with best practice recommendations as they navigate neoadjuvant chemotherapy decisions for their patients who are newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer. There is a lot of data out there and so we hope that we've synthesized it in a way that makes it easier to digest. And along that regard, I really wanted to give a special shout out to Christina Lacchetti, who just put in a tremendous effort in putting these guidelines together and in helping to coordinate the panel. And so we really owe a lot to her in this effort. Dr. Bill Tew: Indeed. And ASCO, as always, helps guide and build a great resource for the oncology community. Brittany Harvey: Absolutely. Yes, we hope this is a useful tool for clinicians. And I want to thank you both for the large amount of work you put in to update this evidence-based guideline. And thank you for your time today, Dr. Gaillard and Dr. Tew. Dr. Stéphanie Gaillard: Thank you. Dr. Bill Tew: Thank you for having us. Brittany Harvey: And thank you to all of our listeners for tuning in to the ASCO Guidelines Podcast. To read the full guideline, go to You can also find many of our guidelines and interactive resources in the free ASCO Guidelines app, which is available in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. If you have enjoyed what you've heard today, please rate and review the podcast and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. This is not a substitute for professional medical care and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests on this podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions. Guest statements on the podcast do not express the opinions of ASCO. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity, or therapy should not be construed as an ASCO endorsement.