On Priesthoods

Astral Codex Ten Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Jeremiah - Maanantaisin


Some recent political discussion has focused on “the institutions” or “the priesthoods”. I’m part of one of these (the medical establishment), so here’s an inside look on what these are and what they do.

Why Priesthoods?

In the early days of the rationalist community, critics got very upset that we might be some kind of “individualists”. Rationality, they said, cannot be effectively pursued on one’s own. You need a group of people working together, arguing, checking each other’s mistakes, bouncing hypotheses off each other.

For some reason it never occurred to these people that a group calling itself a rationalist community might be planning to do this. Maybe they thought any size smaller than the whole of society was doomed?

If so, I think they were exactly wrong. The truth-seeking process benefits from many different group sizes, for example:


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