Championship conditions discussion with Eric Johnson and MLSN, ClipVol, & OM246

Eric Johnson joined from his office at Chambers Bay to discuss everyday golfing conditions, championship playing surfaces, and workflow using techniques such as clipping volume (#ClipVol), total organic material testing by depth (#OM246), and nutrient supply using #MLSN.You can find Eric on Twitter at more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at turfgrass information and decision-making tools at the PACE Turf YouTube channel at the ATC newsletters at to the ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods podcast at to the ATC Office Hours podcast at

Om Podcasten

I discuss technical turfgrass topics with turfgrass managers, scientists, greenkeepers, and whoever drops by the ATC office hours. There's a lot of talk about the work done to create playing surfaces for golf, and also about growing grass for sporting surfaces of all sort, and also some talk of lawns.