Postmodernity, Technology, and PreModernity (part 1)

This is the first half of a discussion in which I broadly but rigorously introduce the most definitive characteristic of Postmodern philosophy and how that characteristic is inherently related to what we refer to as "technology" and PreModern philosophy. Specifically, I discuss the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ernst Jünger, Martin Heidegger, and Leo Strauss, all in relation to: (1) each other, (2) what we refer to as "technology," (3) Premodern philosophy as represented by t...

Om Podcasten

These are previews from my website of in-depth discussions on the Western world's greatest books in philosophy and political philosophy.  There are also occasional previews for my Fathers & Sons series on the website devoted to guiding and assisting fathers who themselves want to educate their sons in the great books, and so the emphasis is upon examples of excellence of virtue.