Kategoriat: - Show Page PODCAST SHOW NOTES eCommerce Launch Summit - FREE training - 1. It's FREE to particitpate! That makes this summit a no-brainer. 2. It's virtual so you don't need to travel anywhere. Travel sucks - so skip the pain and enjoy in the comfort of your own home or office. 3. This can accelerate your entreprenuerial journey. The experts share their knowledge so that you can skip some of the pain! 4. Network with other like minded entrepreneurs The a community of ambitious individuals working towards the same goal. 5. Participate in Workshops Take action by paying close attention to the workshops with step by step instructions. 6. Browse the Marketplace Special offers to some limited time opportunities to create instant wins! 7. Free during LIVE presentations You can watch without any cost, but you'll probably want the lifetime pass to get the most value and playback ALL of the content anytime. 8. Discover Money and Time Saving Tactics The speakers and vendor partners will reveal some of the best techniques and tools to save you time and money on this ecommerce journey. 9. Learn how to balance mindset with delivery. This laser focused summit gives you the chance to talk through the exact steps of private label selling. 10. It's built for YOU If you are just starting out or even if you are an advanced seller there are many lessons about how to simplify, scale, and leverage your time and business for more profit. Kevin King will share 6 mind blowing strategies on how to pick products that will WIN on Amazon's marketplace. Elana Saris will share 5 biggest mistakes people make when sourcing from China Steve Simonson will share 5 Supply Chain Secrets Michael Bitler will talk about how to create an optimized Amazon listing Bradley Sutton will dive into keyword research and listing optimization strategies on steroids Philip Jepsen will talk about using Amazon Data to exapnd your business Paul Harvey will share his insider tips for facebook messenger specifically for Amazon Sellers! And Many More... REGISTER NOW FOR THE SUMMIT - Show Page

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