6.21 | Hidden UFOs of New Jersey: Hudson Canyon Theory and Drones on the Water

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Join us in investigating freaky UFO Encounters, drone activity, and other phenomena around NJ! đŸ”„đŸ”— Join the Expansion for Member's-Only Episodes https://expansion.beliefhole.com/ The Hudson River has a haunted past. A history of strange spectacles in the sky: unsettling encounters with UFOs and unearthly craft that drift silent in the air just above its waves, and terrorizing the lands along its shore. But do they come from the stars or from the depths of our own ocean? Just 100 miles off the coast of New Jersey, beyond the bay- carved by the river’s ancient flow, is the Hudson Canyon - a craggy cavernous shadowy gash plunging to depths of 10,000 feet into the darkness of the sea.  What might be hiding there, beneath the surface? Join us as we venture from the Hudson Valley to the the New Jersey shoreline, exploring the history of famous AND FORGOTTEN cases of UFO sightings in the area, and diving into a theory Chris has been cooking up about the Hudson Canyon concealing a secret underwater 'alien' base- and the Hudson River, in turn, their submarine highway! 😬 đŸ”„đŸ”— Get this Expansion Episode 6.21 EXP | Stonehenge Apartments UFO Landing and More New Jersey UFO Lore https://bit.ly/NJ-UFO-Expansion 📕 Get Show Notes https://bit.ly/6-21-New-Jersey-Drones-UFOs-Notes đŸ”„ Check Out: Scared All The Time Podcast https://scaredallthetimepodcast.com/ 👊 Sponser: Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to TryMiracle.com/BELIEFHOLE and use the code BELIEFHOLE to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF! 👊 Sponsor: Zbiotics: ZBiotics: Remember to use the code BELIEFHOLE at checkout for 15%off (Link Below) 100% money back guarantee https://zbiotics.com/beliefhole  ⏰ TIMESTAMPS 00:30 | Episode Trailer 06:11 | New Jersey UFO Hotspot 11:40 | Hudson Canyon Theory 17:39 | A Colonial UFO Sighting | 1790 22:25 | 19th Century UFO in New York State 27:19 | Episode Sponsor: MiracleMade Sheets 29:04 | John Lennon’s UFO Sighting 33:25 | Mae Pang’s Corroborating UFO Account 36:36 | Expansion Preview 41:11 | Joe Rogan Experience with Joey Diaz | Hudson County, NJ 47:35 | Lifetime of UFO Accounts | Daniel | Starting in 1960’s 1:03:37 | Cultural beginnings of the UFO | 1950’s Tictac UFO sighting 1:14:52 | Hudson Canyon-The Perfect UFO Hiding Place? 1:17:25 | Welcome Bryan to the Hole 1:22:36 | Episode Sponsor: Zbiotics 1:24:22 | Podcast Shoutout: Scared All The Time 1:26:10 | What’s happening in the sky? Drones or Extraterrestrial? 1:30:25 | George Knapp News Clip 1:32:10 | George Knapp News Clip 1:46:24 | Chris and Jeremy’s UFO Sighting 1:56:29 | Thank Yous

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