Tech Bros or Tech Scoops? (with Kara Swisher)

Tech journalist Kara Swisher was five years old when her father died, teaching her from a young age that time is precious and she didn’t want to waste a single minute of it. Sam asks her how that lesson translates into her choices today, from abruptly leaving jobs to asking prominent people blunt and uncomfortable questions. Kara shares her opinion on Biden’s age, offers tips on cutting through bullshit, and commiserates with Sam over the tech bros she chronicles in her new book, “Burn Book: A Tech Love Story.” Follow Kara Swisher @karaswisher on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. Keep up with Samantha Bee @realsambee on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). And stay up to date with us @LemonadaMedia on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram. For a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this and every other Lemonada show, go to Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at for privacy information.

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We make a lot of choices, every single day. Some explode, some implode, most we barely remember. Each week on Choice Words, Samantha Bee sits down with people she admires to examine the biggest choices they’ve made in their lives and the ripple effects those decisions have had. What’s a story a journalist took a chance on that changed history? A vote that a politician never should have cast? A song lyric a musician came up with in the shower that made them instantly famous? Sam’s made a lot of choices, too. She may have to interview herself about starting this podcast.