The EU referendum - What Happens Next?
Conway Hall: Where Ethics Matter - Podcast tekijän mukaan Conway Hall

A special event on the future of the United Kingdom. Held at Conway Hall on Weds 6th July 2016. Featuring: Matthew Goodwin – Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent. Author of Ukip: Inside the Campaign to Redraw British Politics, Revolt on the Right: Explaining Support for the Radical Right in Britain and New British Fascism: Rise of the British National Party. James O’Malley – Journalist: petitioning the London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, for London’s Independence and to give London a chance of remaining in the EU as a city state. The petition has garnered over 175,000 signatories in 5 days. He holds degrees in International Relations and Globalisation. Shannon Harmon – co-founder of the Stop £35K campaign – a pay threshold imposed by the government on skilled migrant workers from outside the EU. Anthony (A. C.) Grayling – Professor of Philosophy at the New College of the Humanities, London. Takis Tridimas – Professor of European Law at Kings’ College London. Chaired by Guy Foster – City of London Political and Financial commentator.