EP 012 - 30-Day No Sugar Challenge
CrossFit Tutuli Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Daniel Magana

Estamos de vuelta en el Podcast, ahora para nuestra 2da temporada. No había otra forma de empezar la 2da temporada que con un reto. En este caso es un reto de no comer azúcar por 30 dias. Aqui les dejo la descripción oficial del Challenge. The Tutuli No Sugar Challenge is a 30 day challenge to create accountability around your sugar intake and overall nutrition. This is about getting rid of your bad habits, create new cues that provoke a positive routine that produces healthy nutrition results. It doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you follow these 3 simple rules: 1) Don’t eat sugar. 2) Eat with no screens, no devices, no distractions. (more on the next page). 3) Eat greens with every meal. Empezamos el 13/Enero/2020