608- Secret Societies, the Sun & Rising Consciousness in the New Era (Free)
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We are currently experiencing solar maximum. This relates to a supposed 11-year cycle that focuses on solar magnetism. During solar max, the sun’s activity increases, to include the number and frequency of sunspots and prominences. The sun is very active right now, and more so than I have ever observed. Along with increased activity from our sun, we are experiencing an era shift, which is also directly related to our sun. The sun is always a big deal, but right now, it is like we are experiencing the solar Olympics. But wait, there is more! The sun relates directly to our health and consciousness. I consider the sun as a lens that is constantly focusing energies into our realm that allow for, and support, and make possible…conscious life and its various qualities. These energies ebb and flow, and are constantly changing. The difference between summer and winter is an example of this, but astrology seeks to pay attention to more diverse energies that are undeniable in my view, and it is these energies that are fueling our consciousness shift. You may have noticed that consciousness is rising in many of us. Even animals are experiencing a consciousness shift. As an example, I saw a bulldog use a skateboard in the way it was supposed to be used! If this happened in the 1970s, that dog would be one world famous dog. In my view, the consciousness shift is tied to the era change and the solar cycle. It is also probably why we see every effort being made to block sunlight with a seemingly endless worldwide fleet of secret unmarked planes spraying metals and blocking sunlight, while affecting weather patterns. It seems that those who seek to control this world do not want human consciousness to rise, and know that it is the sun driving the upgrade. Speaking of secretive organizations that are not helping, this episode is about Freemasonry and its interest in the sun. If you have ever wondered why the sun is such a big deal that even secret societies make it central to their existence, I have already told you why. It is the reason we have plants, animals, light, liquid water, seasons, warmth, life, and food, and is directly related to our health and consciousness. There is also another aspect of our sun that is so secret that very few minds will even accept the possibility, even when shown direct evidence. I am referring to the so-called second sun. The second sun is real, though it is not yet well-known. It seems to spend a lot of time behind our sun, and is therefore also directly related to the consciousness shift and lensing energies I have mentioned. There are eastern traditions that claim there is a binary to our sun, and when it gets close, our consciousness expands. The reciprocal is true as it moves away, leaving us with decreasing spiritual and conscious tendencies. It is now commonly known that nearly all the stars we see have binary partners, which should help one consider what I suspect will be well-known before long. I have left evidence in the solar images now available on the website. If you look closely, you will see that there is a glow from another object behind our sun. It is slightly off-set, and moves over time. Join us as we discuss the sun and its use in Masonic literature. Truly, the sun is important beyond description, so it should be no secret why it is endlessly encoded by secret societies. From age changes to seasons to consciousness shifts to hidden knowledge, the sun is central to it all. The new year will provide a front row seat to comprehensive historic changes that will go down in the annals of the ages. And in it, our sun will not be alone.