Owain Glyndwr and The Welsh Revolt
Dan Snow's History Hit - Podcast tekijän mukaan History Hit

England plays Wales in the World Cup today so it only makes sense that Dan looks back at what's often called Wales' last war of Independence against the English. No one quite knows how it began, but on the 16th of September 1400 Owain Glyndwr- a man of affluence from a mixed Anglo-Welsh family took the title of Prince of Wales and lead a bold and bloody rebellion against King Henry IV. Although he was ultimately defeated, Owain Glyndwr is remembered as a welsh hero, reimagined time and again by poets, writers and historians. Historical accounts from this period can sometimes be obscure so Dr Adam Chapman, a lecturer in Medieval History at the Institute of Historical Research joins the podcast to unravel the legend of Owain Glyndwr and sort the myth from the fact.This episode was produced by Mariana Des Forges and edited by Dougal Patmore.If you'd like to learn more, we have hundreds of history documentaries, ad-free podcasts and audiobooks at History Hit - subscribe to History Hit today!Download History Hit app from the Google Play store.Download History Hit app from the Apple Store.