Supplementary Material 1: Cringe Immunity & Supplemental Ethics
Decoding the Gurus - Podcast tekijän mukaan Christopher Kavanagh and Matthew Browne
An adventure in formatting, welcome to the inaugural Supplementary Material episode. Here we are trying to save you all from the ever-expanding intro segments.On this episode:Announcement of the New FormatWho Decodes the Decoders?A Mystery Sense-Making clipLex Fridman on NavalanyJordan Peterson's fury at the Associated PressBre Weinstein's superpower: Cringe ImmunityAnti-Capitalists for AG1 and the ethics of sponsorshipThe full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (54 mins).Join us at: Theology Decodes UsJohn Vervaeke & Jordan Hall discuss Christian Virtues in a Diverse World2lazy2try: Bret Weinstein Has Completely Lost ItSome More News 'promoting' AG1Jordan Peterson's unhinged tweet attacking the Associated Press