Good Dogman, Bad Dogman! - Dogman Encounters Episode 500

Dogman Encounters Radio - Podcast tekijän mukaan Vic Cundiff


Tonight's show marks the 500th episode of Dogman Encounters. Thank you, so much, for supporting the show, the way so many of you have. You’ll never know how many Dogman eyewitnesses you’ve helped, by showing them the support you have. For tonight’s show, we’re going to welcome an eyewitness on the show, Matt, who just might have had some of the most intense encounters with a Dogman, ever. When he experienced the multiple encounters he’s going to tell you about, on tonight’s livestream episode, you’ll notice that two Dogmen kept making their presence known to him. A small Dogman that seemed to have Matt’s best interest in mind, by displaying what could almost be considered altruistic behavior and a huge, black, one that gave almost every indication it was out to get Matt. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to Matt walk you through the incredibly intense encounters he’s had with those two Dogmen. If you do, you’ll be able to form your own opinion regarding the mindset of both Dogmen. Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report. If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them. My Bigfoot Sighting... Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio... My Paranormal Experience Thanks for listening!

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