Mike’s Bear Mountain Dogman Encounter Livestream Q & A - Dogman Encounters Episode 508

Dogman Encounters Radio - Podcast tekijän mukaan Vic Cundiff


Tonight’s guest, Mike, was featured on Episode 504 and on that show, he told us about an extremely traumatic Dogman encounter he had on Bear Mountain, in Connecticut. We ran out of time before Mike could answer any questions about his encounter, so he’ll be back to answer your questions on tonight’s, special, livestream episode. We hope you’ll join us, in the live chat, and that you’ll have plenty of questions ready for Mike. In addition to answering your questions, Mike's going to update on on what's been happening, in his life, since Episode 504 aired. Unfortunately, he's been dealing with very unfortunate things.If you have housing you’d be interested in allowing Mike to rent, please contact him at [email protected] and let him know. Thank you! We can't thank you enough for helping him.Due to Mike being homeless now and having the income he can count on cut in half, that’s put him in a very bad position. If you’d be willing to make a donation, to help Mike get his feet back under him, it would be most appreciated! To make such a donation, here’s a link to the GoFundMe Page I created for him…https://gofund.me/0055f87aThanks, so much, for any help you can give him!

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