The Red Dogman Worries Her Most! - Dogman Encounters Episode 460

Dogman Encounters Radio - Podcast tekijän mukaan Vic Cundiff


Tonight’s guest, Brian Terrell, is a field investigator with Red Dirt Cryptids who has had two Dogman encounters of his own. Brian was featured on Episode 447 and on that show, he chronicled his encounters. 3 weeks ago, Brian contacted me to let me know about a new case he was investigating. Recently, a lady had contacted him to let him know about cryptid activity she’d been dealing with on her property. Two weeks ago, Brian traveled to that lady’s property and his findings are what we’re going to talk about on tonight’s show. If you’d like to watch a video Brian made, on the Red Dirt Cryptid YouTube Channel, regarding his investigation at that lady’s property, please click the link, below. Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report. If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them. My Bigfoot Sighting... Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio... My Paranormal Experience Thanks for listening!

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