Ludicrous Types with Nick Lockwood
Empower Apps - Podcast tekijän mukaan Leo Dion, Principal CEO and Swift Developer at BrightDigit

Nick Lockwood of SwiftFormat (not dash) joins the show to talk about the server side Swift conference, quirks of Swift you didn't know about, language design, and the future of Swift.GuestNick Lockwood@nicklockwood (Github)Nick Lockwood (@[email protected])Nick Lockwood | LinkedInAnnouncementsNeed help with your projects this year? BrightDigit has openings.Join Bushel BetaJoin our Brand New Patreon Page!BrightDigit #100 - Top 10 Emails Ever! 🎉🚀Newsletters | BrightDigitSwift LiveCoding - Adding Screen Recording to BushelHow does Server Side Swift Workout in the Real World? - Leo DionLinksSo You Think You Know Swift? - Nick Lockwood - · redstrike/swift-programming-languageTyped throws – available from Swift 6.0nicklockwood/SwiftFormat: A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift codeswiftlang/swift-format: Formatting technology for Swift source coderealm/SwiftLint: A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.jpsim/SourceKitten: An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.swiftlang/swift-syntax: A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.Vector, a fixed-size array - Evolution / Pitches - Swift ForumsRelated EpisodesEdge of Concurrency with Matt MassicotteThe Case of the Crimson Test Suite with Daniel SteinbergSwiftUI Field Guide with Chris EidhofWWDC Notes with Cihat GündüzHacking with Ignite with Paul HudsonWe Have All The Heroes with Stefano MondinoSwiftly Tooling with Pol Piella AbadiaSwift Server Workgroup with Joannis OrlandosSupercharged with Pedro PiñeraSwift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven SchmidtXcode Tips with Dominik HauserObjective-C Today with Graham LeeA Swiftly Year in Review with Antoine van der LeeSocial [email protected] - @brightdigitTwitter BrightDigit - @brightdigitLeo - @leogdionLinkedInBrightDigitLeoPatreon - brightdigitCreditsMusic from"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod ( CC BY ( (00:00) - Server-Side Swift Conference (02:55) - So You Think You Know Swift? (07:51) - Maintaining and Evolving Swift Format (30:49) - Challenges with Swift Language Design (46:02) - Future of Swift Thanks to our monthly supporters Maurizio Bracchitta Edward Sanchez Satoshi Mitsumori Steven Lipton ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★