Testing the FIRE Lifestyle with a Mini Retirement

Everyday Courage with Jillian Johnsrud - Podcast tekijän mukaan Jillian Johnsrud


A sabbatical meant to last two months has stretched into two years, and an indefinite mini-retirement as Paul learned that time is more valuable than money in this season of life.  When Paul and his family, including four children, decided that it was time to leave their work in the developing country of Zambia, they knew they needed rest. So, they planned a month or two away in between jobs and before they moved to their future home to allow themselves to relax, decompress, and reset.  However, a trip to FI Chautauqua would challenge their – keep it small – mentality and encourage them to pursue a longer mini-retirement in a place they really wanted to be. Invigorated by this idea, they weighed their options.  Knowing that traveling the world with four children would be exhausting for their already weary family, Paul researched areas that might be a better fit for an extended stay. They wanted a place that would allow their children to experience a new culture and an opportunity for the family to build community wherever they landed.  After striking out with their first choice location in Spain, Paul, his wife, and the entire family traveled for a week to option number 2. This location just felt right, and the decision was made. As they settled in, moved past the initial discomfort of doing something unknown, and reevaluated their to-do lists, Paul recognized that their new way of life was transformative for their personal and familial happiness. What began as a short-term situation has shifted their life trajectory.  This mini-retirement is extended indefinitely. Paul does not want to return to traditional full-time employment. “I value the flexibility of time more than the security of income coming in.” Every season of life brings new opportunities. For Paul and his family, a mini-retirement allowed them to test out an entirely new lifestyle. Find out more about their experiences at www.cuttingthroughchaos.com.

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