#204- Schizophrenia OCD From Reading About Schizophrenia?!
FearCast Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Kevin Foss, MFT - Maanantaisin

Today’s episode comes from Victor who’s having a tough time dealing with obsessions focused on whether or not he has Schizophrenia. Unfortunately, sometimes simply reading something, seeing a video on something, or just hearing an idea related to something can be enough for OCD to suggest, “Maybe that’s you. Now, maybe you should go to unreasonable lengths to ensure you don’t that have.” Victor wants to know how to deal with this, so I offer some ideas on how to approach this new fear and carry on with his life until he does “go crazy”… or he doesn’t… Either one, he’s got a life to lead that OCD doesn’t want him to have. For more on health and mental health related obsessions, check out this article from The California OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center