What to Do When Your Family Wants to Rule Your Parenting
Hand in Hand Parenting: The Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Hand in Hand Parenting with Elle Kwan and Abigail Wald

How do you make like Meghan Markle and stand strong when you face loud and opposing opinions on how you *should be* raising your child?

Meghan and Harry have broken many a protocol since bringing royal baby Archie into the world, from not using the royal family's preferred hospital to Harry holding Archie at a (delayed) press call.
No-one is telling them how to raise a prince, not even the queen!
How About You?
How can you get the same support from your family when your ideas about parenting differ from theirs?
How you can avoid endless confrontations and feuds?
How can you stand strong when their feelings rock you and you face indecision and uncertainty about your parenting style?
Hand in Hand Parenting can seem very different to an older generation, and even younger friends and family that find mainstream parenting practices successful for them. So, how can we show the differences in a positive light without alienating anyone?
Listen to this episode and find out how to own your parenting when your family wants to rule over you.
- Why your parenting ideas rub moms and mom-in-laws up the wrong way and how you can ease this
- One easy tip for keeping everyone happy when your child moves offtrack and everyone expects you to act (and no, you won't need to time-out)
- How to see the good in their criticism and ways to handle their opinions
Get More Support and Resources for Times Family is Judgmental
- Try these five tips for responding when you feel judged about your parenting
- Get the book Listen, to hear the 100s of stories from families using these tools.
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