I Shouldn't Have to Remind Them

Happy, Holy Mama - Podcast tekijän mukaan Emily Brown - Maanantaisin

Sure my kids still have moments where they flat out ignore me. Yes, they don’t necessarily ‘hop to’ when mom asks them to get back to their school work.     Or pick up the living room. But the difference now is that it doesn’t hurt my feelings, send me into a panic, or cause me to melt down when other people behave the way they want to. It no longer triggers bitterness or resentment. I no longer carry a grudge about having to remind my kids to do what I ask. I no longer make it a problem for me when other people, who have human brains, do human behaviors.  My choices produce my consequences. Their choices produce their consequences.  Accepting what IS helps me to stop arguing with (and losing to) reality.  Taking ownership and responsibility for what is mine is what allows me to release what isn’t.  It helps me get curious about what might be going on beyond what I can see with my human eyes and aids me in seeing with my mother’s expert, almost x-ray, vision. Through that lens to see God’s fingerprints all over my kids, the mess, and the untouched school work. Tapping into unconditional love in those moments is what comes through in my voice to my children as I remind them to do what was asked. They don’t hear irritation anymore. They don’t hear anger. They don’t hear shame. They hear their mom, who loves them deeply, connecting with them in a way no one else on earth can. They hear their mom who loves and respects them. Who has set firm boundaries, follow through with the consequences of those boundaries being broken. In today’s episode of the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast I go deeper into three of the most common circumstances that I have found myself in, and also what I hear from my coaching clients all the time, that have historically caused us not to show up the way we want to. I also go into the four things you can do during those circumstances to come through them without bitterness, resentment, or creating a grudge with the people you love, without even realizing it.  You can also come take my free class Intro to Loving Your Homeschool Life to go deeper on some of the concepts I touched on today! You can also check out all the details for the Podcast Giveaway for free admissions to the Catholic Homeschool Conference this June 9-10th, 2023!  And if you discover that you have a built up store of resentment and bitterness that has become a grudge toward your kids, husband, extended family, God, or even yourself, then please reach out for a Consult Call to learn more about private coaching. I can show you where your particular grudges are truly coming from and how my work as a Catholic life coach can help you not only get unstuck from those unwanted emotions, but start to reverse their effects immediately when we work together. Book your free Consult call here!

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