Why are some horses four-gaiters and other horses five-gaiters? Þorvaldur Kristjánsson
Icelandic horse podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Mirjam Horn & Anna Munters

Why are some Icelandic horses four-gaiters and some five-gaiters? In this program Þorvaldur Kristjánsson, tells us about the genetic prerequisites that determine why some horses can move in four gaits and other in five gaits. He also tells us about how the C-allele, that strengthens the coordination of diagonal movement, has decreased drastically in the Icelandic horse population since the 80´s and he talks about the plan of changing the calculation of breeding assessments and the BLUP-system to make it easier to compar the breeding quality of four- and five-gaited horses. #horsesoficeland