27: Overcoming Authoritarianism with Thomas Zimmer

Jen welcomes historian and democracy activist Thomas Zimmer to investigate the Right’s descent into ethno-religious authoritarianism and how to defeat it.  They break down how media bubbles have allowed the lies driving radicalism to flourish, and the ways the white christian nationalist minority is trying to gain control by using raw power to subvert our institutions.  Critically, they pivot to the steps that the Biden administration has taken to build a broad and diverse coalition around the defense of democracy, the need to resist fractures on other issues, and what can energize voters to create a vibrant pluralist majority capable of moving us forward. Get More From This Week’s Guest: Thomas Zimmer: Twitter | The Guardian | Substack | Georgetown | Is This Democracy Podcast Get More From Jennifer Rubin: Twitter | WaPo | Author of “Resistance: How Women Saved Democracy From Donald Trump”

Om Podcasten

This is Jen Rubin, columnist for The Washington Post, contributor to MSNBC, author of How Women Saved America from Donald Trump. I'm delighted to tell you all about my new podcast, Jen Rubin's Green Room. We're gonna have weeks of fun with friends of Jen. Some of us will talk about the ins and outs of Washington gossip, the fun stories that we don't talk about on air, and sometimes we'll talk about deadly serious subjects and religion. Keep up with the show every Wednesday when you follow Jen Rubin's Green Room on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. I can't wait for you to join us.