28: Governing In Spite of MAGA with Rep. Eric Swalwell

Jen welcomes Rep. Eric Swalwell to examine the MAGA takeover of the Republican Party and its effect on our politics.  They lay out how their party believes in ruling rather than governance and is undermining our democracy with attacks on our voting rights, using gerrymandering and lobbying to maintain power.  They also break down how the Right has abandoned our allies and weakened our national security by cozying up to Russia, its capitulation to Trump, and their pursuit of farcical impeachments against the Biden Administration.  Critically, they pivot to the role young people play in restoring our values and ensuring good governance. Get More From This Week’s Guest: Rep. Eric Swalwell: Twitter | Website | House.gov | Author of “End Game” Get More From Jennifer Rubin: Twitter | WaPo | Author of “Resistance: How Women Saved Democracy From Donald Trump”

Om Podcasten

This is Jen Rubin, columnist for The Washington Post, contributor to MSNBC, author of How Women Saved America from Donald Trump. I'm delighted to tell you all about my new podcast, Jen Rubin's Green Room. We're gonna have weeks of fun with friends of Jen. Some of us will talk about the ins and outs of Washington gossip, the fun stories that we don't talk about on air, and sometimes we'll talk about deadly serious subjects and religion. Keep up with the show every Wednesday when you follow Jen Rubin's Green Room on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. I can't wait for you to join us.