40: Trump’s Trials with Dennis Aftergut

Jen blasts Republicans for rejecting the Democrats’ border bill and welcomes legal expert Dennis Aftergut to break down the constitutional and legal means of stopping Trump.  They explore the possible outcomes of Trump’s quest to uphold presidential immunity in the courts, whether Section 3 of the 14th Amendment will keep him off any ballots, and if the SCOTUS is up to the challenges of the moment.  After his attempts to seat fake electors and commit insurrection, are our safeguards strong enough to defend democracy against authoritarianism? Get More From This Week’s Guest: Dennis Aftergut: Twitter | The Bulwark | Lawyers Defending American Democracy | Slate | Salon | The Atlantic | Just Security Please Support This Week’s Sponsor: Babbel:  Learn a new language with Babbel and get 50% off on a one time payment for a lifetime subscription when you go to Babbel.com/greenroom Get More From Jennifer Rubin: Twitter | Threads | WaPo | Author of “Resistance: How Women Saved Democracy From Donald Trump”

Om Podcasten

This is Jen Rubin, columnist for The Washington Post, contributor to MSNBC, author of How Women Saved America from Donald Trump. I'm delighted to tell you all about my new podcast, Jen Rubin's Green Room. We're gonna have weeks of fun with friends of Jen. Some of us will talk about the ins and outs of Washington gossip, the fun stories that we don't talk about on air, and sometimes we'll talk about deadly serious subjects and religion. Keep up with the show every Wednesday when you follow Jen Rubin's Green Room on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. I can't wait for you to join us.