34 Officer Matt Brown | On why registering our kids saves lives, and on summertime safety on the spectrum
Hey guys! So summer is coming, even though you wouldn't really be feeling it yet if you are up in Maine with us, and I wanted to do an episode about safety issues and autism. This is super important because statistically, most accidents involving people on the spectrum happen in the warmer months. I'm excited to be speaking today with Federal Law Enforcement Officer, autism parent, and autism first responder trainer Matt Brown.
We talk about why it is sooooo important to register kids with autism with the local and state police departments. <--Hint: it literally saves lives.
Check out Officer Brown's website at http://www.aset911.com, and print out the registration form here: http://aset911.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/autism-registration-form-shortened.pdf
You can find our show notes at http://www.joyridinginautismland.com/34
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