4. Miksi mulle tulee paha mieli somen hyvinvointisisällöstä?

Myötätunto edellä - Podcast tekijän mukaan Ulrika Lillsunde - Keskiviikkoisin

Miks mulle tulee paha mieli somen hyvinvointisisällöstä?

Miksi “mitä syön päivässä” -videot saa mut lamaantumaan?

Miksi “älä vertaile” on huono neuvo, jos vertailu kuitenkin aiheuttaa pahaa mieltä?

Tämän aiheen ääreellä on Mari @kehossacoaching ja Ulrika @herkkutrikoissa.

Marin mainitsema podcastjakson meidän hyvinvointityön “pimeistä puolista” löytyy Kehossa-podcastissa.

Muutamia lähteitä sosiaaliseen vertailuun, fitsposisältöön ja sen vaikutuksesta häiriintyneeseen syömiskäyttäytymiseen tai kehotyytymättömyyteen:

Aparicio-Martinez, P., Perea-Moreno, A-J., Martinez-Jimenez, M.P., Redel-Macías, M.D., Pagliari, C. &Vaquero-Abellan, M. (2019). Social media, thin-ideal, body dissatisfaction and disordered eating attitudes: an exploratory analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16. doi:10.3390/ijerph16214177

Frederick, D.A., Pila, E., Malcarne, V., Compte, E.J., Nagata, J.M., Best, C.R., Cook-Cottone, C.P., Brown, T.A., Convertino, L., Crerand, C.E., Parent, M.C., Pennesi, J.-L., Perez, M., Rodgers, R.F., Schaefer, L.M., Thompson, J.K., Tylka, T.L. & Murray, S.B. (2022). Demographic predictors of objectification theory and tripartite influence model constructs: the U.S. Body Project I. Body image, 40: 182-199.

Fredrickson, B.L. & Roberts, T-A. (1997). Objectification theory: toward understanding women’s lived experiences and mental health risks. Psychology of women quarterly, 21(2):173-206.

Donovan, C.L., Uhlmann, L.R. & Loxton, N.J. (2020). Strong is the new skinny, but is it ideal?: a test of the tripartite influence model using a new measure of fit-ideal internalisation. Body image, 35: 171-180.

Groesz, L.M., Levine, M.P. & Murnen, S.K. (2002). The effect of experimental presentation of thin media images on body satisfaction: a meta-analytic review. International journal of eating disorders, 31(1): 1-16.

Myers, T. A., Ridolfi, D. R., Crowther, J. H., & Ciesla, J. A. (2012). The impact of appearance-focused social comparisons on body image disturbance in the naturalistic environment: The roles of thin-ideal internalization and feminist beliefs. Body Image, 9, 342–351.

Ramme, R.A., Donovan, C.L. & Bell, H.S. (2016). A test of athletic internalisation as a mediator in the relationship between sociocultural influences and body dissatisfaction in women. Body image, 16: 126-132.

Rancourt, D., Schaefer, L. M., Bosson, J. K., & Thompson, J. K. (2016). Differential impact of upward and downward comparisons on diverse women’s disordered eating behaviors and body image. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 49, 519–523.

Roberts, S.R., Maheux, A.J., Hunt, R.A., Ladd, B.A. & Choukas-Bradley, S. (2022). Incorporating social media and muscular ideal internalization into the tripartite influence model of body image: towards a modern understanding of adolescent girls’ body dissatisfaction. Body image, 41: 239-247.

Rounds, E. G., & Stutts, L. A. (2021). The impact of fitspiration content on body satisfaction and negative mood: An experimental study. Psychology of Popular Media10(2), 267.

Thompson, J.K., Coovert, M.D. & Stormer, S. (1999). Body image, social comparison and eating disturbance: a covariance structure modeling investigation. International journal of eating disorders, 26: 43-51.

Tiggemann, M. & Zaccardo, M. (2018). ‘Strong is the new skinny’: a content analysis of #fitspiration images on Instagram. Journal of health psychology, 23(8): 1003-1011.

van den Berg, P., Thompson, J.K., Obremski-Brandon, K. & Coovert, M. (2002). The tripartite influence model of body image and eating disturbance: a covariance structure modeling investigation testing the mediational role of appearance comparison. Journal of psychosomatic research, 53: 1007-1020.