Ep 37: Interest Churn Part 2!

Oh, That’s Just My Autism - Podcast tekijän mukaan Melissa Tacia

Surprise! I’ll bet you didn’t know there would be a part 2 to this. Well guess what? Neither did I, but here we are. A lot has happened this week and I wanted to fill you guys in on some of the revelations I’ve been having. As promised, here is the link to the Rich Roll Podcast episode that I referenced in this episode (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-rich-roll-podcast/id582272991?i=1000535994005) and the link to the Sparketype test (www.sparketype.com). If you enjoy the pod and want more content, or just want to get in touch, find me on IG @oh.thatsjustmyautism or shoot me an email me at [email protected] :-)

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