Ep 77: When You Realize You Actually ARE Autistic: Self Diagnosis Update Episode with Megan Griffith

Oh, That’s Just My Autism - Podcast tekijän mukaan Melissa Tacia

When Megan was first on the podcast in October of 2021 (Episode 40) it was to talk about her self-diagnosis journey, and how she thought she was autistic, but then realized she wasn't. But guess what? Plot twist! Megan actually IS autistic! She is back to update us on what has happened since she was last on the show, and to talk about how difficult self-diagnosis can be. We also talk a bit about why self diagnosis is sometimes necessary and how it is totally valid, even when there are some haters out there who think it isn't. Eye roll. Megan has her own podcast called The Neurodivergent Magic Podcast that is available wherever you listen to podcasts. She is also on IG: @neurodivergent_magic and TikTok: @megmoxie. She has also created some programs for neurodivergent folks that can be found on her website: neurodivergentmagic.com. I hope you enjoy this update from Megan! To join our little community of awesome autistics, hit up the Patreon page at patreon.com/ohthatsjustmyautism. If you want to reach out you can email me at [email protected] or find me on IG @oh.thatsjustmyautism.

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