#399: 5 Things to Know Before You Start Trading Forex

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5 Things to Know Before You Start Trading Forex  Podcast: #399: 5 Things to Know Before You Start Trading Forex In this video: 00:26 – 5 very important things to know 00:38 – You will not become an overnight millionaire 02:01 – You don’t need to spend all day and night watching your charts 02:40 – You don’t need to study global events 03:52 – You do need to understand global time zones 05:47 – You must be willing to learn and invest in yourself 06:46 – Do you have questions and share this video  I'm going to share with you five things that you should know before you start wanting to become a Forex trader. Let's get into that and more right now. Hi traders, Andrew Mitchem here at The Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 399. 5 very important things to know I'm going to share with you five important things that I think you need to know and understand before you start to enter the amazing Forex world. You will not become an overnight millionaire So let's start with the first thing is, you not be an overnight multimillionaire. Despite all the claims, all the promises, all the flash cars, all the laptops on the beaches that you see online and all the growth that you see, people tell you, you will achieve, you will not. And that's the reality of it. 90 to 95 percent of Forex traders out there, of just retail small time Forex traders, lose money. It's the facts. It's the reality. And you have to figure out what are you you're going to do differently to that sort of 90, 95% of other people? There's a lot of things you can do, and we can certainly help you with those. But you've got to actually realise that you will not be doubling your account every week or every month like people tell you, you will do. If you do that, you're basically a gambler. And if you do that, you are not a trader and you will not last as a trader. So if you think you're going to suddenly take a thousand dollars and turn it into a hundred thousand dollars or a million dollars in a week, month, a year, it's not going to happen. You're just going to lose money. Even if you've got a million dollars today to trade, if you don't know what you're doing, you're going to lose money and you won't have a million dollars pretty soon after. So, do not expect overnight success. Like all good things, it takes time. You will not double your account next week. You don’t need to spend all day and night watching your charts Number two, you don't need to spend all day looking at your charts. A lot of people get into trading think that they need to sit up all night, all day, watching charts, watching every bit of movement. You do not need to do that, absolutely far from it. So don't think that you need to sit there. You can go to work, do your normal things, kids, family, jobs, sports, whatever it is, travel, whatever it is you like to do, you can make trading work around that. So don't think that you're suddenly going to have to give up all your nights to sit watching charts moving or get up at three o'clock in the morning or anything like that. You don't need to do that. You don’t need to study global events Number three. You don't actually need to sit and look and study global events. I had an email from a guy this morning on LinkedIn said to me, "Hey, Andrew, look, I'd love to share with you what we write up each day." And it was basically this about five or six pages on a PDF file of what happened yesterday, news events and political events and COVID events and all this type of stuff. Completely irrelevant. If you know what you're doing as a technical trader, you can look at the charts.

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